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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. Hi Guys,


    Server has stopped streaming again


    Tried to run JPAT to sort it out (It usually does)


    The message says:


    Contacting Hub Master to reload PB!


    Hub Master Replied: Operation not permitted


    I could use the other java tool (Automated Hub Setup) but I don't want it to wipe out my pbsv.cfg


    Any ideas?






  2. i was in the server when it happened and it said they were banned from the server for aimbot. I run a teaching server for our clan it is small 12 slot and the message I read said they were caught with aimbot on two back to back probably more but I was teaching at the time.




    I checked logs. It was a ban announcement.

  3. first off, thanks for not mis-reading my comments! PBBans IS doing good things for the gaming community at large.




    as i mentioned, the original account was closed and/or demoted. i do not recall the login or the associated email address. im sorry i cannot provide you with any further detail. it was quite some time ago. at this point, it no longer matters, i am no longer running the ET server.


    what i am saying here is; the path of support failed me in this case. as someone experienced in technical and customer support, its very important to have a clear and *DOCUMENTED* path of support for known incidences, and an effective way of dealing with those difficult-to-anticipate issues. sending your users in circles with multiple points of contact is a sure way to create the type of situation that i encountered.


    just a side note, im not sure if you guys are running a wiki or not. i maintain the wiki documentation system at my place of work for both our technical and CS staff. i have personally found (Media)wiki to be an incredible tool for developing documentation, distributing documentation workload, as well as allowing users to maintain their own personal documentation.


    You were demoted because you were not streaming. Not sure if its too difficult to read one article about streaming.

  4. However there are ways to do this, and one is to make a bind for it:

    /bind X rcon login PASS


    Never bind rcon password directly!!! It's really stupid idea.


    Secure way:

    In cod4/main create a file called rcon.cfg and put there:

    rcon login RCON_PW_GOES_HERE

    save. Then you can safely make a bind like:

    /bind F5 exec rcon.cfg

  5. Whats with the mass baning on irc... i was one a those folk that got booted.. :(




    can u unban please



    Q got mad. Its fixed now, you can rejoin. Don't forget that also have channel on gamesurge.

  6. Well, don't I feel like a heel. It was late when I was attempting to set up my account and get my server streaming. Not much of the Terms and Service stuck with me I guess. Yes, both servers are personal computers that are dedicated to running COD4 game servers. Our goal is to keep our servers as clean as possible from cheats and your system looked like the best alternative to locking the room with a password. If I understand correctly, we need to remove our servers from the hub and will not be able to stream? May I ask why you have this requirement? Thank you for doing all of this work. I know it takes time and your dedication is appreciated by thousands out here that like a good clean game invironment. Late for work, will check in this evening.



    game tag WB


    Servers have been removed and account deactivated due to violation of PBBans Tos. Feel free to re-apply when you get regular server.


    Thread Closed.

  7. do pbbans support teamfortress 2 there are a lot of servers and players and was wondering if pb runs on these servers


    is great

    if not can it

    are why not ?


    We support every PB supported game. Afaik TF2 is not supported by so we don't support it either.

  8. X-ray uses state-of-the-art methods to protect you and your online gaming experience. It will periodically take screenshots of what you are seeing in-game, and will scan for known cheats and bad processes in the background to help with cheat detection. When you are finished playing your game, X-ray will upload these screenshots to our servers, where our experienced admin team and massive userbase will help catch cheaters by reviewing screenshots and 'flagging' them if they appear suspicious.


    If found and proven to be cheating, the users' game identifier (either a Steam ID, a GUID or CD-Key) is banned from all group sites and any partner leagues, ensuring you play in a cheat-free and safe environment.



    is this compable with pbbans and punk busters



    please respond


    thank you

    I'm not a PB Staff member but PB is doing this since its first release. The difference between that one and PB is that PB is far more advanced and provide much better functionality. PBBans does not support it.

    To find out if its compatible with PB, open a trouble ticket

  9. Substituting a player durring a match has become an issue at TWL because the screenshots of GUIDs is done at the beginning of a match. Often times if someone drops off they rejoin right away, but theres no quick way to verify that the same person is rejoining..or what their GUID is. Taking screenshots of pb_plist durring a match is not something I want to do.


    The Hub can help I think. The greeting feature when someone joins the server could announce the player's 8 digit GUID when someone joins, and then this information would be captured in the game demo.


    You already have $CURRENT_NICK, just add $GUID

    We offer leagues tools for checking player guids.

    Example: http://www.eurodomination.net/anticheat.php

    This requires compulsory streaming to pbbans.

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