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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. A guy got banned for using a gamehack #89098 on the 12th of february from our server but when I looked over at PsB it still shows as a clean GUID. Do I need to report this to them, what happens now

    This is pbbans. You need to ask at psb.

  2. A couple of months late I know but I did not want to create another thread for this.


    I still blame EB. I can get the game to work with Wine to near perfection. I cannot get punkbuster to work. I am finding that Wine users are considered 'punks' too. Very disgruntled here. Linux users are a fast growing segment of the gaming public. EB should work with us in mind. I will continue to play on non-PB servers and write polite letters to server operators to reconsider thier PB configuration, or remove it entirely. I suggest that all Wine gamers do the same.


    Thank you for allowing me to voice my point of view, late as it is.

    Blame game developers for not porting their games to linux. If there were port, EB would support.


    Thread Closed.

  3. I couldn't disagree more. Flawed and spoofable as they may be, ETPro GUID's at least aren't completely disposable like PB GUID's are in ET. Being able to cross-reference both types of GUID's at Yawn is a great help when trying to establish someone's identity and, for example, check out cases like Kanonenfutter's. Noob and semi noob cheaters will have a much harder time to fake their ETPro GUID's than to change their PB GUID's, and will eventually resort to some multihack with a GUID spoofing feature which will probably help get them caught sooner or later. More experienced cheaters will have to go through all the trouble of using non-detected hacks, MAC spoofing, etc. With all their limitations, ETPro GUID's, when used with knowledge, care and responsability, ARE a much better way to control a server's audience than PB GUID's will ever be (again, in ET's case). It's a real shame to see that many of you have assumed the same "mr-know-it-all" attitude as Bani, ReyalIP and co. have, and in the process are helping to kill the great mod that ETPro is, especially in pubs (oh, it's a "competition" mod? sorry, but I don't recognize that concept). I've been using ETPro ever since I started working with ET servers and only recently ended up deciding to switch to another mod because of said individuals utter disregard for the community outside their small closed world. Long time traditional servers like the Chicken Bucket, which also have used ETPro for years, changed last month to ETPub in an obvious attempt to increase their average user frequency to any value above zero, because the very authors of the mod are helping to kill it.

    ETPro IDS are not unique. I can change mine without using any kind of cheat using one of system utilities.


    Any ETPro server admins who don't think ETPro GUID's are useful simply aren't qualified for that job.

    I'm one of them
  4. hi honigdachs :),


    my 3rd request in this case has been sent to evenbalance.com (support enemy territory - i am on the ticketlist right now).


    i will write to punksbusted.com (as 4th station of my request) as soon as their site is online again.


    but i have the feeling i won't loose my entry :(





    This will not help you. You're banned here not at PsB. EvenBalance has nothing to do with it either.

  5. There are several websites out there that enforce a "must pay before you can use" service - some i've seen can't even be downloaded illegally since the developers put in a CD key type system into the cheats.


    This in turn creates a very closed community of cheaters and the inability of Evenbalance/Anyone else to check and add prevention.


    I suppose I was just curious if any of you guys had personally run into aimbotters (or any other form of cheat) who weren't getting caught and you had to ban them manually.



    Yes. One of them was closed few months ago. All their customers were globally banned. Another is having same problem. As I said, its only matter of the time. Sooner or later someone always leaks.
  6. Found the cheat personally? No. I really don't know what works and what doesn't or what/how stuff gets by PB.


    The only one I would think would be working is a program that you have to pay for, or get illegally via torrents.


    I could tell you the name so you can investigate it, as it does look more professional than the rest.

    Wrong answer.

    You see, its difficult to find something if you don't know what you are looking for either. EvenBalance needs some time to find out what needs to be checked. It's always only a matter of time.

  7. I think I have an idea there... we could make minguidage work again for servers that stream to the PBBans hub. Instead of using the real GUID creation time from the master server (that is not available to us), we just use the time when the PBBans hub saw the GUID for the first time. It could work like this:


    1) Player joins a streaming server.

    2) The hub notices the player by scanning the PB logs; it looks into it's database, determining whether it knows the player for at least X days. X could be configured by every streaming game admin in the configuration panel; the feature should be of course disabled for every server by default, so every admins has to enable it himself and also set X. I'd go for 7 days.

    3) If the GUID is too new, the hub would use it's rcon rights to either kick the player or force him to stay spec.

    4) If the GUID was still completely unknown, the time between join and kick should be long enough for the hub to store the player in it's database, so that the GUID can then age.


    All regulars would not be affected, because they're already known to the hub. foxdie, what do you think? Is this realizable? I'm not sure whether the PB logs contain all the neccessary information...

    Yes it is. But it would eat up too much resources.
  8. I had one idea.

    Run a separate site which would handle etkey registration that would communicate with Hub.

    It could provide etkeys in following ways:

    1. One key per account

    2. Make a third party program which would tie etkey to hw guid.

    3. Selling etkeys

    4. Bind etkey with registered username(http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=registry.php)


    Hub could query this site and kick players with unknown guids. It would be also possible to check guid age.


    The 1st possibility is the easiest but the least effective


    The 2nd one is in theory the best one but it would require third party program that would communicate with the registry. Sooner or later it would be cracked and bypassed.


    The 3rd one is good but not sure if would be legal.


    The 4th one is the best for practical implementation. It would make et non-free game and thus reduce cheating. And all money would be for PB.

  9. Initiating SYN Stealth Scan against [4 ports] at 08:35

    Discovered open port 80/tcp on

    Discovered open port 9001/tcp on

    The SYN Stealth Scan took 2.06s to scan 4 total ports.

    Host appears to be up ... good.

    Interesting ports on


    80/tcp open http

    8080/tcp filtered http-proxy

    9000/tcp filtered unknown

    9001/tcp open unknown


    Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.904 seconds

    Raw packets sent: 8 (332B) | Rcvd: 3 (138B)

    I tried to connect to opened port and both were used by M$ IIS.

  10. Is there a problem with the log forwarding to AON? One of the advantages is the use of AON's background check tool. Since yesterday I noticed I do not have access to that tool, so I just wanted to know if there might be a problem here at PBBans or if it's a server side problem.

    We are aware of this problem and working on the fix.

    We're sorry for inconvenience.

  11. as you can read on their website, they say that they have been asked by evenbalance not to ban the 130000 violations.....in the past they had done it.....


    dunno why psb is asked by eb and pbbans is not........i'm using both, and so it's fine for me!!!

    We have discussed possible issues with EvenBalance and decided to continue banning them.
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