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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. ***************************************************************

    Team: ETQW.CZ (ETQW.CZ)

    Account ID: 1114

    Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2)




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    Bestik (111550)

  2. Ucon has potential security issues (anyone can run any command on your server without your consent - read the PBBans Disclaimer for a modicum more information) and the repository method needs user intervention to keep up to date so its arguably slower then the Ucon (or hub) method.

    There are no such vulnerabilities. At the moment only me and Maydax could possibly execute commands but hub does not allow this. Cmds are hardcoded into hub. All Hub commands are logged in pb logs so admin can always see them. There is also possibility to disable it using 0 instead of 1 in pb ucon profile which causes PB to ignore all cmds coming from the Hub. I want to assure all admins using Hub that there is no security issue at all.

    The risk is same as with ambl when you enter rcon password in there.

  3. All we want is to register cheaters/hackers with screenshots, so we need a team account right?

    We don't want to stream the server, but you never know.


    Sorry if i'm not at the right place here.

    We accept data only from streaming servers so no one can fake evidence. If you are not streaming, you cant submit screenshots either.
  4. PB_SV_SsSRate [Number]

    The sample rate (default is 1) used for capturing screen shots, specifies how many pixels get skipped in the processing of the image to keep file sizes down; if set to 2, then only every 2nd pixel is taken (in both horizontal and vertical directions); if set to 4, then only every 4th pixel is taken

  5. Stop blaming PB for everything!!! :angry:


    This is NOT PB problem but DNS!!!


    try adding



    to your system32/etc/hosts file open with notepad!






  6. Hi


    When my server catches people there is always a violation code..just like VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #71001. Can we find a description of all the Violation codes somewhere so we could explain to the faulty player what happened ?


    thanks in advance.

    He used a multihack. There is no more specific description what triggered violation. It would be pretty stupid if Evenbalance showed what PB checks. It would be a guide how to bypass PB. ;)

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