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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. Posted Image


    We are proud to announce that the Euro Domination League (www.eurodom.co.uk) has taken the lead by making full use of the possibilities offered by the PBBans Hub. Currently over 180 E-Dom match servers and affiliated public servers stream to PBBans, with 350 busted cheaters and counting.


    In Euro Domination, clans fight to conquer the European countries. Currently the only game supported is Call of Duty 2, but there are plans to support new games in the future.

  2. I've got the Evenbalance Log Streaming program now and i conffiged but how do i add a server?


    server addr=**** user=*** pw=*** desc=***


    (Removed information by ***)


    I filled that in the config but doesnt work...


    Somebody help me :P?




    I'd like to create such thing as PBBans so if they connect when they are on MY banlist then they will kicked out.


    (no im not creating the same but only for my customers server not for the everybody ;))



    You need to set pb_sv_logAddr,pb_sv_logPort,pb_sv_logUser,pb_sv_logPw on server. EBrep has built-in webinterface

    which listens on loopback


    2. You can't do it with ebrep. I'm not gonna unveil how PBBans Hub works. Sorry.

  3. I have been told that PB is the weakest cheat protection available.

    Public cheats are detected in few hours, in some cases few days. Its a bit more difficult with private cheats although PB has some heuristic checks to catch these ( also keep in mind that PB detection can be in so called silent mode ). As soon as pbsvc is fully operational , it will much more difficult to bypass PB. PB is atm the most advanced ac out there.


    I have also been told that the Quake engine, as used in CoD/UO, is the easiest game engine out there to cheat on.

    Easiest is imo FEAR.

    It's not a difficult to make a cheat for game based on Q3 engine which was developed in 1999. Keep in mind that Id software released it's source code under GNU/GPL, thus you almost don't need any debugging/disassembling skills to find out what you need to know to make a cheat.

  4. I was checking my pbbans.dat but there arnt any bans in it? My server is streaming and "Enforce Bans" has been enabled.


    Whats the problem?

    Enforce bans doesn't mean update of pbbans.dat on your server. It adds ban when its necessary to prevent caught cheater from entering your server.



    A player that is banned on mbi tries to enter your server.

    PB sends log data to Hub.

    Hub processes data and checks player's guid.

    Hub finds his guid on mbi and sends ban command.

    Player is banned.



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