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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. foxdie

    Latest Bans

    You should not believe to everything what PsB says
  2. If you need help, >>>Click Here
  3. Thats the price you have to pay because of unhonest players. btw Global GUID Bans doesn't mean you've cheated. It says that someone used your cdkey to cheat.
  4. Oh you need a new copy of the game. AFAIK none of Global GUID bans was ever unbanned. Watch your cdkey. Don't give it to anyone.
  5. global hardware or guid ban?
  6. Did you get Global GUID Ban or Global HARDWARE Ban? Connect to any enabled pb server and after you're kicked , write down the number. Then open a Trouble Ticket and write there this number. Can you image how many times we've heard this? You should have read EULA You can post it here or pm me. Or try Master Player Index
  7. He should contact Evenbalance via TroubleTicket
  8. if your server is not streaming, we won't accept/comment anything from that server.
  9. It can be faked easily with etpro's lua script
  10. I know about it but I could not imagine someone would ever use it :D
  11. We don't need that demo. We accept and comment demos ONLY from servers that stream to us.
  12. I've never seen any message from "Punkbesiter" If it was Punkbuster who kicked him and he thinks that there was no reason he should fill in a TroubleTicket
  13. AFAIK cl_yawspeed is related to mouse ( it should be speed in x or y or z axis )
  14. Either do it manually or use PBSetup. I think its connection problem.
  15. You don't have to delete m5 tool scans, only to modify them. Example pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "superhack.dll" NOT_FOUND pb_sv_md5tool a "" v "stockfile.xyz" 0 2048 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and change a to w . Its says that PB should run this check only on windows clients.
  16. foxdie


    Rofl! I know one very nice saying : "A thief is shouting catch a thief".
  17. this is what you deserve, like all your cheating comrades.
  18. hmm AFAIK Mac version of PB returns incorrect hashes. Evenbalance encouraged not to use md5 tool scans for mac clients
  19. hmm someone wants flameware.
  20. You can use PAT or jPAT as well.
  21. We're sorry but it seems that there is problem in the forum so registration does not work properly. We'll fix it soon. Either contact Murderur via MSN [email protected], or join our irc channel #pbbans at quakenet. If you dont have IRC client , click on live chat in the upper left corner of page
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