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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. Type into console /PB_MyGuid If you're getting Global Hardware/GUID ban message , you have to contact EvenBalance
  2. You can ask them via TT. But they will unban you only if it was PB's error and that happend only once AFAIK.
  3. foxdie


    Ask admin of that server to remove your ban.
  4. foxdie


    What does PB show as reason?
  5. Of course I've been curios, especially on those linux. But I did it on loopback , with unplugged ethernet and after that I deleted all created/modified files and NEVER in multiplayer enviroment . As soon as you cross your "router" with enabled cheat/hack or any other shit , you are a cheater . Thats my internal policy :D. BTW: I know one guy that was "testing" hack on his private server .To these days, he is still hw banned. :D Do you think that its cruel? I don't . If you don't know how to test them , don't test them.
  6. maybe you could use some cvar restrictions. Depends on those scripts.
  7. Maybe you should look around in the forum, there is the problem described.And we don't have source code of Punkbuster so we cannot tell you whats triggering particular violation.
  8. Don't be angry. But its fact. Look how many player are kicked every day because of cheating. And RTWC without PB , how can you claim that its players are clean?
  9. Into console write /rcon PB_SV_WriteCFG . It will create pbsv.cfg.
  10. cough...cheaters...cough
  11. You shouldn't believe to everything what punks say. If use really long CVAR list , yes it may cause lagg on slower PCs.But no one claims that you have to do any. Use /rcon PB_SV_CvarEmpty and none cvar checks will be performed.
  12. BTW : what are negatives of 1.4?
  13. We cannot unban you . Only Evenbalance can but I think that they won't do it because there is no reason to do it. And if you want something from us , join #pbbans on quakenet.
  14. So you ignored copyright. Nice One! I'm wondering about your windows legality and all other software.
  15. Only one more question. How did you find out that your pc is hw banned if you disagreed PB EULA?
  16. If you dont accept HW GUIDS , you cannot use Punkbuster. Please READ EULA!!! So whats your the problem then? You disagree with license , you cannot use PB , but you can still play on non-PB servers LoL. If it were so , you wouldnt be banned
  17. Well , they can hw ban you even if you do not cheat. HW ban according to EULA is way how to stop you to use PB. And they can do it whenever they want to. So you can buy a new PC , install game and enable PB and get banned without reason.
  18. If you disagreed license and used PB , you've broken law mate. And you still can play on non-PB servers EULA
  19. Here is a part of EULA. I guess that you have no chance. :lol:
  20. yes you've been robbed but not by evenbalance . it was guy that sold you pc .
  21. They're gathering hashes of hardware . No one can get information about your PC from hash because it works only in one way. And who gave them right? You and your predecessor by accepting EULA. The one who had your PC before agreed to be checked and banned if PB hack is detected. He was cheating and was HW banned. You have accepted EULA too. You've connected to PB enabled server . PB computed your HW GUID and checked in global ban database. It was found there so you were kicked . This all stands in PB's EULA. And if you haven't read PB EULA carefully, then its your problem. The best is to conntact EB, because I have no right to speak in their name. Next time you're buying PC via Internet , give there request that PC cannot HW banned or as I said before never buy it via internet. Yes he did, He sold you "broken" PC.And as Dental said about that car. Even if you bought it legally and it was used in a crime , police can confiscate it.
  22. There is available beta version of etpro mod that supports LUA scripting. I think its great. On the other hand , ET is dying . It's too late . Read More ETPro 3.2.2 Beta
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