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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. Yes not all of them. We unban them if EB confirms false possitive
  2. Huh? Click Here I don't think so. And all our cfgs are available in MCI Maybe. But you don't have to use only PM's. You can use PM,irc,icq,msn or TS2 too. And yesterday it took one admin about 10 mins to setup streaming. If you install JRE, no cmd line is needed. I've choosen java because its platform independent. We provided us much info as is possible. I think we won't change it. Really I don't see reason what this is good for. We could do it from our logs but that info would be inaccurate. Not every server is streaming to us. This is not true partially. We give Game Admin status to co-admins. next jPAT will do it. my two cents.
  3. We accept demos from streaming servers too.
  4. At the moment no. Maybe you could make a demo. It is possible to see from it if player is using wallhack or not.
  5. And sometimes may happen that SS wont arrive to PB server. Its due to UDP protocol that is PB using. Lets hope that EB will re-vamp SS facility for each game and not only for AA.
  6. foxdie

    Banning users

    I would recommend you to use PB and its web interface. Its damn easy to ban users there. Only 3 clicks and everything is done. To enable it open your pbsv.cfg and add there: PB_SV_HttpAddr IP_OF_THE_SERVER PB_SV_HttpPort ANY_FREE_PORT // eg 8001 PB_SV_HttpKey YOUR_SECRET_KEYand restart server Then open http://IP_OF_THE_SERVER:ANY_FREE_PORT Also jPAT and PAT can reload PB after update through this interface.
  7. its a cvar from multihack so I don't think we will ever lift it.
  8. Those 2 cvars are not standard and are used by *lol edit*-bot.
  9. Btw there should be "UNKNOWN" or "???" or ETPro GUID ( 48 hexadecimal digits I think ). If there is something else like "F*ck you" or any other text its a game hook.
  10. If player connects via device that has no MAC addr,then its possible. It also can be a game hook. ETPro GUIDS are unreliable.
  11. foxdie


    Yeah. Most of my ss are black.
  12. foxdie


    It can be a SS blocker or he has slow connection etc etc. Its hard to say whats causing it
  13. foxdie

    Latest Bans

    I really don't know what I should think if staff member of PsB says that we ban for mismatches on stock files!!!
  14. foxdie

    Latest Bans

    well maybe PsB considers multihacks as stock files, who knows.
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