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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. It seems to be a connection problem. He should try to ping sof2 auth master.
  2. foxdie


    I hope its not the same as with q4. PB commands work only in q4-1.1b or above.
  3. I had problems with it too. Usually helped when I reconnected after I wask kicked. Try /PB_System. If it is set to 0 set it to 1 /PB_system 1 and vice versa. If I were you , I would also check your PC for tronjans/viruses/adware with the actualized av. Maybe some kind of malware is changing ET process memory .... I really can only guess. Click here if problem persists
  4. foxdie

    pb hack?

    If you got Punkbuster Global Hardware Ban , it means they you've used software(cheat,hack) that interferes with PB. You can try to fill in a troubleticket. Also read this
  5. Maybe you do not have enough privileges so MPI does not show anything
  6. You will get only information that you can find on MPI
  7. These commands will not affect streaming.
  8. Huh? If jPAT doest support game's rcon protocol , it can set up streaming.
  9. Try this : http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-sof2.php
  10. Use Punkbuster then. PB_SV_Ban #slot. To obtaing #slot type PB_SV_PLIST. And you can as well as ban subnet with PB but its not recommended . For more info http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/sof2-ad/index.htm.
  11. Did you ban him via Punkbuster?:blink: If he bypassed GUID ban, ban him by IP.
  12. Hednrik is memeber of EvenBalance :D
  13. We don't have source code of PB so we cannot tell you exactly what particular violations are caused by. Try trouble ticket system at evenbalance . But I really cannot see reason what you need it for.
  14. Good luck and be carefull . I'm looking forward to see you again.
  15. The destiny of every cheater is hw ban. BTW: Don't be surprised if you get suddenly hw banned.
  16. Connect to PB enable server and wait for kick . If you can see message with Global GUID/HW ban , then you're globally banned. This seems to be a local ban.
  17. First of all post here full kick message and the game. But I think that you've been banned only locally.
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