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Everything posted by Tim

  1. You missed his point.....look up your clan members ip ,,say its and it never changes as you said ,,ban around it .....ban up to it then skip his then start the ban range again at .
  2. you can unban the hacker or leave them both banned..... If you lower the ban range the hacker will just get a diff ip close enough to come back... if the guy is dumb enough to use the same name you can ban the name also..wish there was more help for ya,,maybe go to his house and beat him w\ his own keyboard :P
  3. Your server might be streaming but your not listed as an SGA here...that might explain some of it...when you use the MPI it WONT show you evidence on any clean players info {diff ip's \alias's ect...},,it will allow you to see info if the player has a dirty history thou.... If your server is streaming here you may want to ask them to have you added as an SGA here or have your server owner\clan leader look into the players ID deeper here or in the MPI
  4. It depends on how many guids\keys the player is using... if he uses multi-keys then his alias's to the key at the time would show up but not all the diff alias's at the same time
  5. Its not a glitch. If the server ISNT running pb then a player can actually hide his guid although it still will show up in the server logs....If the server is running PB or PBBans the player would get kicked by PB for not showing the guid. In sof2 theres so many holes in the rocmods out there that any server NOT running pb is an open minefield for hackers to do as they wish.....
  6. You answered your own question.... your ban was lifted...a server admin there rebanned you. Theres not much pbbans can do to help you there, you need to contact whoever runs the server and ask them why.....
  7. Any server out there usually has a website you can join aka there clan,,,look for 1 of there clan members and ask if theyre an admin OR join there website and get to know the players and admins...from there tell them who you may suspect is cheating...as far as helping here as a player,,to be honest you can read up on things and even look at the master ban list for the game your playing and see if any of the "suspects" are already on the list then again contact that servers clan and inform them..... besides that , unless you stream a server directly here so PBBans can see proof in log info there isnt much you can do...These people base all info on facts from logs{streaming logs},demos and ss's all from streaming servers..again,,i gotta stress the streaming logs part,,w\out them even pbbans wont place a ban ,,, not enough conclusive proof Lol,,sry Bob.. you posted 5 seconds earlier..didnt mean to post over your info.
  8. Like Ec stated ,,you pb banned him but thats not the same as a PBBAn banment,,, show the server logs or whatever info you have on the player here and let the higher ups view it....my guess is if you DO stream and it didnt the player didnt get kicked 2 things could be involved : he's already on the MBI and you need to update your list OR he has new info and you should show all the info here. If he's guilty , he'll get whats coming from him.... 1 other thing also , Yout not listed as a SGA here , you should look into that and be added to the group if infact you do stream . Its worth it ;)
  9. Theres not much you can do...mac users\vista users and many other users for diff reasons turn out black ss's....its not your fault nor is it bannable
  10. It looked good Bob...I never heard of that website before but I'm guessing many others have. Looks like both sites just helped each other out. You just gave him more traffic to his site and now people there know of pbbans and yourself and know pbbans means business and not to be taken lightly . Good work.
  11. http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/Invalid-fil...ds-t174775.html Try going there , it might be what your looking for. Dont be scared by the website,,its safe,,,the 1st 2 paragraphs give details on your type of file.
  12. I'm just bumping this up to keep it alive ..I spoke w\ a couple of other mac users and it seems they had the same problem and now can only play on non-pb servers now... they all had to fill out support tickets at EB and still havennt gotten 1 reply yet...lets hope the powers here can solve this one :)
  13. well,, after mine was done manually , I seen : pbgame ,pbuser,pbsec and pbsecsv all appear on my desktop as new icons ....this was through manual dl of the update ..you should try it again,,to me, again it sounds like the update crashed and didnt finish all the way..thats why now it looks worse then before...if all else fails DONT reinstall the game,,just waite a'bit for the higher ups in here to help more...btw,,when you manually update it,,,dont hit "save" file,,hit "run" when it aks you,,it'll place all the files where they need to go on its own.
  14. sounds to me like 1: she used the wrong update or 2: you somehow stopped the dl during progress.. When she was finished updating , before she restarted sof2 again, did you notice any new icons on your desktop? When i updated mine 4 new icons also appeared w\ the total update...i'm curious to what you\your wife seen ...
  15. You should edit your post and REMOVE the url's to the hack sites ....pm them to a PBBan staff member here,, dont post them on an open forum... ;)
  16. From personal aspects,, i like the element of suprise.... althou the average guy knows you have pb on because they need to enable it the average cheater knows how to get around pb,,,hell,,they dont scan for much anyway...the suprise part now,,,,all the cvar\md5 checks pbbans streams,,,that scares off cheaters,,if they think its just pb they will join you and "suprise" ..they get busted ;]
  17. If they played on a streaming server there name will also be listed here . If the servers you play on mostly "dont" stream here then no, there names wont be listed... As for why you cant see them , my guess is you need to be a streaming gaming admin in order to see all names clean and dirty ones... if one of your clansmmen has a dirty record here you would be able to see that thou.
  18. Your on the pbbans list as being a clean player....no errors or cheats\hacks..you've got a perfect clean record...Your on the list because you've played on servers that stream here to pbbans..thats a good thing. As far as people calling you a cheater there is no evidence here that you cheat ...all they can do is ban you from the server you play on at the server admins request... thats there choice to do , its there server...I wouldnt worry about it,,theres other servers to play on...
  19. It looks to me like 1 of the 2 players downloaded there key ...was it you or was it the other guy ? Eather way both users got the same ban..... the link you provided here ,,on the bottom of that page it says "appeal this ban" hit that link and appeal it ;)
  20. TY , I'll tell them to give that a try :]
  21. Most IP's dont switch much ,,his ip's even if he switches them alot should most of the time start w\ the same 2 sets of #'s for example 12.123 -- --- just ban that will still ban a few others but it'll likely keep your guy out for a long time.
  22. No, it just says "timed out" then shows player was kicked for timing out
  23. Sorry if this questions already been asked,,, 3 people this week alone got new comps w\ Vista on it,, they all play SoF2 daily and all are having same issues,,,game loads correctly ,,servers show in list,,they hit the IP to join the server and when they start to enter the server {while things are still loadin} it gets stuck for long periods of time untill it times itsself out and boots you....does anyone know how to correct this issue and any other Vista\SoF2 issues that may have come up yet? TY
  24. an ip range ban would solve the problem and works the same way......
  25. Hi Merl. Thnx, I did what Port said and it worked . My question to the high up pbbans guys thou,, since yesterday,,daily players are getting this kick 1 after another now and in the end they all needed to go manualy update from evenbalance,,,,these guys like myself only play at pb servers and play daily,,,why are they all getting kicked all of a sudden and needed to manualy update? Did something change at pb or eb where they dont do it {update} while in game anymore? Anyway,,glad my issue is fixed,,, its just to bad its happening to every player all of a sudden.
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