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Everything posted by Tim

  1. After reading your latest post about lean\crouch script being ok I'm guessing you were using it while getting these scores.....good job ...........
  2. OverKill, your post was to the point and yet very ammusing...I'm guessing from it you use the bind....do this for me, shoot a player while he is using the bind, use the fastest rapid fire gun SoF2 has to offer against this player,,,,you will miss with every shot...the bind moves faster then the bullets...pretty ammusing isnt it..... Btw, you mentioned speed hack..that bind IS a form of speed hack... You reminded me of the guy who once said "so what if I cheat, alot of others cheat so it's ok if I do to"......
  3. Thansk for the help Cobra, DogLicker helped me for about 2 hrs on msn 2 nights ago , that was one of his choicces also to do it manually , It failed also...seems like server,clan and sysop.cfg arent uploading after edit for some reason....the host wiped out the server and started fresh w\ a diff. rocmod last night ,I'm deleting my complete game tonight and doing a total reinstall...hopefully between the 2 reinstalls the problem will be solved..if not , theres always checkers :P
  4. Tim


    A clan admin can only server side ban you or your players from pushing a button, if he tried to PB bans you it wouldn't have been an accident, theres alot of typing involved for a pbban...server side accidental bans are easy to be lifted, just tell him to go to his folder and remove the ban :D
  5. No offense , but this is a PBBANS forum , not EB ...PBBANS didn't ban nor can they unban you...why complain here ? 1 other note, a hardware ban is only placed when you mess with your configs enough to the point that they are used as a hack...hence : hacking , they don't just hand them out for nothing....
  6. thanks man,,, will do..I usually log on afetr 9 pm eastern , hopefully we can resolve this issue :D
  7. Still no luck...using HLSW , in RCON console, is it possible to add sysop there using GUID ? Maybe type : addsysop 243.1232466f3fg42 ?
  8. Just wondering, maybe someone here is familiar with RocMod...My new server has a major issue and no one anywhere seems to know the answer so I figured I'd ask here /rcon addsysop # Command When I add a sysop or admin to a player or to myself it works great ...untill we quit the server ...apon rejoing the server the sysop\admin and clan status is gone again....I was wondering if anyone else had this problem or if anyone heard of it before... I tried using diff. rocmods to see if maybe it was that, it still did the same...it's driving me kind of nuts because no one seems to know how or why its going on. Thank for the help.
  9. Thats why....it's not PBBANS job to go to your forum or server , the owner or clan leader needs to come here for verification .
  10. DAMN!!! lol, I'd hate to forget to check them for a few days then have to look at 10k of them ...lol :P
  11. Blood, ask Bryan to give you a run down on what to copy\paste {cvars} ...at the same point learn where your svss's go and stay on top of them , they over-write each other so you gotta check them atleast twice a day . Congrats on the new server , I went on yest, ran sweet w\ no lag. later
  12. My bad, when I said MG aka machine gun I meant any gun that shoots as fast as 1 .... uzi would be a close match-up.....
  13. I'm with you on tht 1...last time I checked the lean\crouch script was a bannable offense on league game play . the last guy I seen use it bounced side to side so fast that he moved even faster then bullits from the mg trying to hit him. I do a server side ban when I see it being used.
  14. Spend some time here when you get time...although you can easily rename the hack to hide it you still CAN NOT hide the ..........pk3 hack from the PBSS's :D Once the player shows the SS here the user is banned...if they change keys then its up to the server to reban .
  15. What you need to do if already streaming is ask your server owner or whomever your clan leader is to come here and speak with Bob or any other top official here. They need to state that you will be in charge of all PB work for your server...again, you must be streaming thou... You came here w\ some nice ss's ...get someone to verify your position and we will be more then happy to help you catch cheaters. cya
  16. looks good Bob , thanks for putting the time into it...it was a bit crowded with many topics and erea's , you the man :D Like you said "This was largely due to the fact that PunkBuster is mostly the same throughout all games. " Atleast now people can see whats going on elsewhere also. Keep up the good work. cya
  17. You really should think about streaming with PBBANS....With a cheater count that high you'd be amazed at how many your not seeing...As far as the ss's go you can post them here for all to see , the ban part would have to be ok'd by the PBBAN staff themselves...again, think about streaming...it takes alot of the guess work out of who's cheating and who's not... :D
  18. I've been down that road many times brother , good luck to you...it's sad sometimes how even in writing [Guide history] some people choose to see what they want and miss the obvious....
  19. I'm far from being an expert like Bob but no need to only ask him bud, many of us have been here long enough to answer help questions when needed :D
  20. Tim


    People just don't realize the powers of PBBANS.....when will they learn.... :blink:
  21. LMAO!!!! :D Now thats one of the best replies I've seen yet ..... People punch in certain ways {possible cheats} ...wtf are they expecting ? a medal for it??? lol
  22. Tim


    It is there also, the only downfall is its a sep. channel compared to Quakenet...on GameSurge its an empty server....PBBANS does still exist there w\ chanserv but no joiners.....still working on the quakenet prob. I posted , all details are what they ask for yet it still blocks my connection....good thing I can atleast post here,,,irc is a pian in the A$$ :D
  23. Tim


    makes no sense...I can get into gamesurge but not quakenet....all same info goes threw on 1 but not the other....oh well, i'll get it in time :P
  24. Tim


    I was on earlier {when i posted this topic} , said 1 person in {me} ..it was called PBBANS , maybe a 2nd room is opened? Figured it out, i'm on gamesurge, your on quakenet I believe..This is what I recieve when tryin to log on As a security countermeasure, all clients connecting from *@*.cox.net are now required to give a valid ident response on connect. If you use mIRC, open mIRC options, select Connect -> Identd -> Enable Identd server. You may also need to unblock external/internet port 113 in your software or hardware firewall and/or forward it.. All info is already what they ask for,,,no idea why it keeps telling me this...
  25. Tim


    does anyone still use it?
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