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Everything posted by Maester

  1. @MaydaXglad to see you are still around and keeping this place going! Just stopping by to say hello and hope all is well!
      • 1
      • Thanks
  2. RIP Sabret.. My Thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.
  3. Be very careful downloading files from other sites other the Punkbuster Affiliated Sites because you may be downloading something that can get you banned.,
  4. Even though Origin got an F it says its not vulnerable to the heartbleed attack? https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=origin.com&s=
  5. You will put those in your cod2/pb folder. It may have a diff path but end result is in the pb folder. You can run the rcon command pb_sv_homepath to find your pb location.
  6. Yeah its funny but GameInformer poked at them so I give them credit lol
  7. I can confirm its in the game informer I cannot confirm that it's legit though.
  8. This was in the new GameInformer I received today.. EA wants to charge $29.99 for future patches for a year..
  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone
  10. Hes the second person who I have seen like that. However PBBans cannot ban him unless the server that he is on needs is streaming to them and EA confirms it is indeed a hack and not a glitch in there system. You will need to report him to EA & Fairfight.
  11. You need to run this command and change the folder. Your currently pointing to /home/games/cod2/server1/pb it should be /home/games/cod2/server1/ if the path is correct. The pbsetup should always be ran outside the pb folder
  12. Got it working. Went into procon ran pb_sv_enable and then ran hub setup worked fine.
  13. I tried both options and was informed by the server host Punkbuster will not work until EA fixes it. Shows PB set to 1 but off on Battlelog and when I try to run the Streaming Setup I receive [iNIT] Opening connection ... ********************************ERROR******************************** Connection timed out: connect *********************************************************************** [iNIT] Opening connection ... ********************************ERROR******************************** Connection timed out: connect ***********************************************************************
  14. I always liked COD just dont like the fact we cannot host our own servers anymore.
  15. 12 months is $753.98 at Fragnet so not much diff from gameservers.
  16. I kinda looked at all the server providers and from what I have seen in North America these are the cheaper ones Fragnet 70 man $62 w/preorder discount http://alturl.com/wydep Gameservers 70 man $77 w/preorder discount Game Servers, Ventrilo Servers, Dedicated Clan Server Host, and Teamspeak Hosting NFOServers 70 man $84 (no preorder discount) Game Server Rentals and Hosting :: Home :: NFOservers There are a couple of cheap ones across seas like MyIs but only allow 64 players
  17. www.gamingwarzone.net

  18. Thanks Fozzer he made a big stink about this on battlelog so I copied the link and quoted your post there for Reference http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654625378317786
  19. Welcome back all. All i can say is cheaters beware. Pbbans may have been down but they aren't out of the fight.
  20. www.sec8-clan.com

  21. Coming from someone who never used GGC I cant say much against them. However regardless of whether they post news from there sites they should have never posted this issue on a global forum like BFP4F or on Facebook & Twitter. Seems they are trying to harm the AC community more then help. So again they are saying they didnt even know who Maydax was? So again after the message of you being blocked you decided to follow through with other methods to get this list? Why didnt you come ask instead of assuming. Now with that said. This just gives people the ability to stream to both PBBans & GGC. Like Maydax has stated PBBans has been one of the few to even allow download to public banlists. If people can live without it from PsB and GV then why cant people just do the same here. The only good thing I saw was the ability to see if they were banned on another AC other then that without it being synced constantly we cant be sure that the banlists from other AC sites are reliable. So I see no issues with this its not hurting the community and the hackers arent winning. On a side note. For those of you who were denied streaming to pbbans and were able to access the banlists etc from another AC I kinda see this as a breech if PBBans was going to allow you access to there info they would have allowed you to stream. Regardless if it is a clan member or yourself who was caught hacking I dont see any reason for you to have access to the info you werent supposed to have in the first place. So I dont see it as a bad thing. Yes I love seeing AC work together for the greater good and if it works out great if not then people still have there options. Just remember everyone points a finger at the other but it proves who the better man is when they only discuss amongst there community and not the world.
  22. Working great glad to have been able to Alpha Test both v4 and v5 . Hope my input helped you out.
  23. Battlefield Bad Company 2: Planned Maintenance Jan 24, 2011 - 9:46pm EST DICE has indicated there will be a maintenance period for BFBC2 on Tuesday, January 25th. The maintenance window will begin at 5 AM EST and require 5-6 hours for completion. Please expect the multiplayer to be unavailable until the maintenance is complete. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2011/01/21/maintenance-work-draft.aspx http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-bad-company-2-pc/1387445-stats-system-performance-perspective.html
  24. Looks good Maydax keep up the great work.
  25. Took it from this interview probally should have worded my post better. Thanks for looking out for me been a long time member here and retired staff I know your doing your job. Heres the interview for security purposes :)
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