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Everything posted by Maester

  1. Maester

    delete account

    You will need to contact an admin or wait till they read this topic before your account can be deleted
  2. In all honesty PBBans does not ban via IP. So if the clean player is playing then later the cheating player logs on using his guid (would have to have cd key) and then is caught. The clean player will then be considered a convicted cheater. PBBans does have access to the IP used during the ban however the ban would not be lifted just because a cd key was stolen. So Innocent people can be banned but only if someone else has access to there key/guid.
  3. Mirc is fairly complicated. Try reading some tutorials on gamesurge or quakenet if you wanna learn the basics of mirc. There are some great plugins for mirc but be careful some spam the servers and get you banned.
  4. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en
  5. I think hes wanting to advertise his server on here to bring Traffic to his game server.
  6. Thank you for your post Verts Mum. We arent trying to harass him but we have guidelines we have to follow and enforce.Doesnt matter if they are 5-99.I understand your son is young but he must understand that asking us to remove streaming because one of his friends has been caught with cheats on there pc is against the TOS/Zero Tolerance Policy of pbbans.You may not agree with them but its something we have to enforce.We have heard so many stories that we dont know who or what to believe.We have heard so many times my brother did it,my dog did it,even I did it but was just seeing what they do.We must enforce the rules.Im sorry. May this topic be closed?
  7. Thats what im getting at. Again he stated the following. Thus he asked to be removed because his friend was caught with hacks.Simple as that he was removed.He should be happy now.
  8. He doesnt pay us for anything.Furthermore the cheats didnt just up and jump on his computer without him or someone else downloading them.No he will not get his streaming account back.He wanted to stop streaming so he could play with someone who had hacks on his pc and he was removed access.
  9. No you wont.We dont allow people to stream who support cheats.
  10. His IP isnt banned only his guid.The steps to stop streaming are posted above.He shouldnt have had the cheats on his PC in the first place as it is against PB's Zero Tolerance policy
  11. So let me get this straight you are publically announcing you support hackers? All you have to do is remove the hub files from your server and it will stop streaming or simply turn PB off
  12. You can modify demos in any video editing program. Im not saying your demo isnt valid im just saying we cant add it to the banlist.By all means you may add it for people to view and add to there own servers but it will be at the server admins disgression
  13. The point hes trying to make is without the log data created by the server we cannot claim that the demo is 100% genuine.For example if we added all Demos.Someone created a demo of someone using your name etc and they were hacking in the server like it was nothing does that justify that we give you a ban because the person used your name? Thats all he is stating is we need the server to be streaming so that we may indeed prove that the demo is 100% unaltered
  14. Could be 2 things that I can think of 1 - The server admin hasnt updated there banlist manually to show you out of it. 2 - The server hasnt been restarted since you were removed It could be a number of possible things. However dont give up try different servers could be that the server like I said above just hasnt manually updated there list. *Update* Try the server above also and see if it says the same.
  15. Whats the ban message it is giving you now? Post a screenshot if possible please
  16. Since when did Teamspeak become spyware? After running Zonealarm Security Suite 7.0.470.000 Im getting this? I just reinstalled Teamspeak yesterday? Spyware Engine Version - Dat File Version 01.200804.3665 Win32.Trojan.Netbus.A 2008/04/10 15:21:24-4:00 GMT File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Chat\Teamspeak RC2.lnk File: C:\Documents and Settings\Adam\Desktop\My Chat\Teamspeak 2 RC2.lnk File: C:\Program Files\Teamspeak2_RC2\TeamSpeak.exe
  17. Just for future ref. It may be easier to rent a box from theplanet with cortex (or some other game setup format) on it because it installs everything for you.You just set the config up and start running it.
  18. No problem let me know if it works
  19. No they were claiming that this server mod changes this cvar without you knowing.
  20. That will get you banned on most servers. It eliminates vegetation It is suppose to be seta r_lodscalerigid 1 some servers allow 1 or 1 & 2, but never 0, 3, 4. Quoted from IW forums: http://www.infinityward.com/community/foru...ic,4362.45.html Maybe this will help http://www.pbbans.com/forums/lofiversion/i...php/t41394.html modded Cal scrim PAM4 mod changes this if you have it?
  21. Thats a hardware ban and we do not issue those only Evenbalance themselves can determine when and how someone will receive this type of ban.
  22. Could it be true? http://forums.filefront.com/soldier-fortun...ckable-gun.html
  23. Thank you all for your kind words and prayers.My grandmother passed away @ 10 am eastern time today.It was better that she didnt suffer.Thank you all for all your help and prayers.
  24. *************************************************************** Team: ISI Christian Clan ([iSI]) Account ID: 732 Streaming Status: Streaming (6 / 7) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- (Streaming) (Streaming) (Streaming) (Streaming) (Streaming) (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Comando888 (110462) TombGuard351 (109332) TheMr (109900) HudsonHawk (109481) kingcoyote (110326)
  25. Does this help so far? http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=117
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