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Everything posted by Maester

  1. first you need to create yourself a team account by visiting http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=395 once that is done you can add the server to your account via your team account and I will remove it from mine after you get your team account
  2. Team Account Created You may add your servers via the Account Manager on the main page
  3. Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: ReZeRw@team Server IP: Last Streaming: February 2, 2007 2:55 am Log Forwarding: None League Settings: None
  4. This is the same issue im having with theplanet they were claiming that it was pb but after removing all the pb files and turning pb off they noticed hey it still does it.And this is a Dual Core box lol.
  5. post the server IP He was saying normally the only time a server will lag is misconfiguration although it can be a bandwidth issue from the provider its 99.9% a misconfiguration of there pb configs.
  6. anytime
  7. its kinda hard to see is why I was asking theres a mod for cod:uo that does alot of red blood gore is why I was asking but either way the crosshair is part of a cheat
  8. if you dont mind post the last 8 of your guid and I'll check pb to see if your banned.If you were banned by pb you wouldnt be able to get into any pb server.
  9. what mod are you running
  10. it was better you ask then someone add you then start giving you false info
  11. you can send me the demo @ [email protected] however theres nothing we can do but i can give you my input
  12. COD2 and COD:UO I believe the mod im thinking was for cod:uo but I'll look
  13. Anytime thats what we are here for. As he said if you have a legit key just reenter it otherwise the guid will need to be relaxed on the server
  14. And what game is this we are discussing?
  15. Is the server a dedicated server running from a professional host or from his home computer?
  16. call of duty or cod:uo?
  17. means your using an invalid cd key Either try inputting the cd key again or buy the game because your using a pirated copy
  18. yes there is a hack that does do the same info in the SS but without logs we cannot prove or say he/she is using it.But yes by all means he does look like he is cheating.Im unable to disclose any info on this hack to the public so as stated above only way we can verify if this is what it was we need streaming logs otherwise psb will need to look @ the logs and verify the cheat
  19. I know there is a mod where you can decide what rifles someone can choose from when playing in any gametype maybe that would help? If so I'll look for it and post the link here.I know the file can be found on codfiles
  20. As of right now yes we will still be supporting it. Activision made a big snafu on there latest releases of SOF2.They have decided to turn off the auth master server From there we will have to see where Evenbalance goes if they stop supporting sof2 then we will also have to remove support.We will find out soon enough the answer to everyones question.
  21. I can help you out any type Bob
  22. The issue is not the one cd key being a cheaters key its the fact that none of them can play on MP @ the same time it boots them for duplicate guid.unless guidrelax is set to 4 or higher.As said if pb stops supporting the game we will have no other choice then to stop supporting it also.
  23. If the server is streaming you can post the demo in the submission section otherwise your currently fighting a lost cause because we cannot do anything without the logs from the server to verify the info is infact correct
  24. Global bans are not dealt with pbbans. Global Bans will have to be taken up with Even Balance themselves as they are the only ones who can issue hardware bans.You can open a trouble ticket here http://www.punkbuster.com/troubleticket/ne...ket.php?game=wr
  25. Merry Christmas to all of you also
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