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Everything posted by Maester

  1. yes in order to get streaming admin access you have to be an admin or owner of the server
  2. Server is already streaming Server Status: Server is streaming via Rep Server Info Clan Tag: Samurai:: Server IP: Last Streaming: December 13, 2006 11:29 pm
  3. Just so you know have fun trying to stream to punksbusted because they do not tolerate linked guids either and they are in the proces of merging there ban system with ours also. Please do not bash any staff members I dont care who you are. PB was designed to keep cheaters out permanently not a temp pass so they can cheat again.If you wanna take care of the issue then appeal the bans and if there approved fine no questions asked and further more.The staff voted on this and that is the final answer until you work to get it fixed dont fight with pb for your clans stupid mistakes and the fact you dont check people before allowing them in your clan.It doesnt matter how it was brought to Maydax attention it was brought "we" (PB Staff) did the investigation and "You" are the ones at fault. All we asked in the beginning was to appeal the bans if they were removed great if not then fine.The choice was yours and you made your choice now go find another Anti-Cheat site with lower standards to stream to. *Topic Closed*
  4. Alot of people has been asking the questions.How will this game run on my cpu,graphic card,ram etc.Now you may find this out by going here http://www.srtest.com/referrer/srtest This website will run a full diagnostic on your computer CPU,CPU Speed,Ram,Graphic Card,Sound Card,Operating System,Give you the minimum and the recommended its a must use before going and buying the game.
  5. PBBans does not allow "convicted cheaters" any access any shape or form.Just because they have a clean key @ this moment does not mean that they have not cheated and will not cheat again.Most of the people on the list have @ least 2 or more convictions against them.Wether it be from pbbans or punksbusted.We do not take bans lightly and we are not gonna allow convicted cheaters access to our MCI so that they may bypass pb later and get caught again.You may not agree with everything that we do here but if you go to any other AC site they will not lower there standards to let a convicted cheater stream there either linked or not.
  6. Guids are always linked if the same IP has been used by the guid.Wether the key was leaked,pirated or not it was banned and linked to there IP it is then there job to appeal the ban as it is being added via there IP and guid then linked to all future guids.
  7. Thank you this is what pb needs in order to work these issues out.Thank you for your patience and cooperation
  8. linux servers run 1.51b and windows use 1.51 if you arent running the same files as the server and mci read then you will be kicked.The simple way to fix is omit that stock file out.Scanning stock files are optional and not required.They are just helpful to make sure someone hasnt modified there stock files but can cause issues with people running linux servers
  9. All Game Admin Status will be removed once the vote is passed.Your Game Admin status was removed because you no longer have a valid site or game server as Maydax said.Game Admin comes with being Admin or leader of a server we do not just hand it out to everyone.No offence to this and I hope none is taken. To madman if you wish to stream to us you need to appeal that ban @ psb wether its yours nor not I do not know that is for them to decide.There ban is a genuine ban and we cannot allow anyone to stream with a convicted background.So as stated appeal the ban and we will go from there. They have all the verified logs and can prove wether the cheat was originally yours or not.PBBans does not wish to override any Anti-Cheat community we are here to work together for one common goal.So please if you have an issue with the ban please take it to punksbusted and appeal until then we have done all we can do.
  10. Have them contact pb directly so they can work the bugs out with this issue instead of complaining about it
  11. server shows as a new server ready to be added to streaming.Please pm any admin a user and pass you wish to use for your streaming account
  12. PB is still working on this read above.Once they work out all the bugs it will work out until then please have anyone kicked for this issue to contact pb directly via support ticket.It will help the process move along alot quicker and alot easier for everyone
  13. Yellow Banned on PBBans and PunksBusted Red Banned on PBBans MBI Orange Banned on PunksBusted MBL light blue GUID is not on a ban list
  14. server added and streaming
  15. Yeah the owner of that put the + in there so they could set the number where they wanted to
  16. ok a little confused here? Cod:Uo COD2 82.118.2009.170:28960 just curious but since when did cod (or any server) start allowing 4 numbers in the 3rd ip range cod:uo is 209 but cod2 is 2009? So thought it was a type however if you remove 1 0 its the same IP as cod:uo which also cant happen so what is the correct IP or is this something new I wasnt aware of
  17. welcome to the streaming world and sorry it took so long
  18. just added the info you sent to me =o) and please keep all topics together as it gets the admins confused when working on the same item
  19. server added to the rep with username and pass sent to me still not streaming via hub if your pb is still out of date please update by going to punkbuster.com
  20. you will need to update it manually if its not updating via web www.punkbuster.com find your game and download the local files and put them where required
  21. I do not see your server as a new server could you please check your settings and try again. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19776
  22. could be multiple reasons 1.PB out of date 2.You lose internet connection via router or isp 3.Firewall is blocking it 4.Admin is kicking you out of server 5.Server is really shutting off or your game is
  23. no this has nothing to do with not seeing servers however the error you are receiving could be because of pb not being enabled or out of date try updating pb with pbsetup you can download it here http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php
  24. server not configured properally can you please recheck your settings
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