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Everything posted by Maester

  1. Thanx was pulling my hair out wandering if it was gonna stream then noticed I forgot to uncomment the // is why it wasnt multistreaming lmao
  2. Server IP: Server Port : 16567 Query Port: 29900 Game : BF2 Clan Tag : |NSDQ| or is streaming via hub even possible because BF2 isnt liking me right now lmao
  3. You are clean here if you have been banned on a server its through another repository or the server admin has banned you
  4. no prob and thank you for being concerned with the cod community
  5. I believe you would have to be more active and contribute to this site to become staff im not sure but fozzer or another staff member will get with you shortly
  6. Punkbuster is merely a tool it cannot check for everything.If you will look we have pb staff on this site and they will agree without pbbans or another repository your still left open to people who are running cheats outside of the game and cvar hacks.Pbbans just merely helps find those and makes pb a better running tool and keeping game servers cheat free.
  7. If your playing on a lan server with pb and 1 person is caught then no you will not be banned.However if all 10 people are playing on the same server and have the same key and one is cheating then yes they will all be banned because they are using the same cd key which produces the same guid.Otherwise if they werent using the same key or guid then you would be fine and would still be able to play.My suggestion buy a new game and do not give anyone your CD Key.This is not with just pbbans every pb supported rep works the same way.CD Key/Guid gets banned everyone using it is banned simple as that.Only other suggestion dont play on pb servers then you may cheat all you want.
  8. looks like this person is using nerofix.Its not a hack but nerofix is very buggy and causes alot of lag and gfx issues
  9. Theres not much we can do.The server would have to be doing the following 1.PB Enabled 2.Streaming to a Rep Since the server does not stream to us.We cannot accept screenshots or demos.If the admin would like to get his server streaming then please notify him to come here and we will set him up.Otherwise your just gonna have to rely on pb itself to eventually catch him
  10. Good job your server requested the screenshot he jumped to fu server got caught and now hes banned
  11. Also please read here if you havent already added the streaming additions to your server http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18066
  12. oh ok sorry they just look updated =o)
  13. no we do not all bans come from pbbans streaming servers only.Feel free to merge the lists together (using the generate ban list on mbi) or stream to both if you wish
  14. I believe they have been updated
  15. hmm never seen an sof2 server using port 26111 anyway follow instructions in 2nd post here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18066
  16. Also next time please post the last 8 of your guid so that we may investigate the cause of the ban and issue
  17. original screenshots are in png format when posting screenshots they need to remain in that format so that we know the screenshot has been untouched
  18. Maester


    streaming is quick and easy you can generate the ban list via the mbi but if your streaming bans are auto added to your server http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18066 Read the 2nd post it is much easier
  19. streaming via the hub you dont have to send anything. 1. Download the attached file @ this topic http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18066 2. Unzip and upload both pbucon.use and pbbans_hub.cfg to your server PB folder. 3. Edit your pbsv.cfg file and add the line: pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg 4. Restart PB with pb_sv_restart or restart your server 5. Post your IP, ClanTag, and game server type (Ie BF2 or CoD2) and state it's for the PBBans Hub. To verify, after restarting PB type pb_sv_uconlist in rcon, it should give the following: PunkBuster Client: [Slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Client: 1 1 pbbans PunkBuster Client: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
  20. If you need any help feel free to give me a pm.I'll try to walk you through everything as simple as possible
  21. The server needs to be streaming to get full quality out of pb.PB can only do a limited amount by itself but with the addition to streaming and scanning for all the cvars pb is catching everyone left and right.With streaming they will soon get caught or be hardware banned before long :P .Just remember this pbbans is doing everything they can to catch every cheater its you who have to make the first step to streaming
  22. Nerofix modifies your sof2mp.exe and then makes the md5 tool kick you in pbbans streaming servers
  23. no problem pretty bad he dont know his server IP but all is well its eaming via he hub
  24. server is streaming via the hub Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server IP: Last Streaming: July 23, 2006 12:07 pm he added the wrong IP its not 122 its 126 :D
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