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Everything posted by Maester

  1. yeah but then they might as well be the server admins lmao
  2. well thats great to hear :D
  3. thanx guys I have applied to get my servers streaming with them just hope it doesnt cause issues with pbbans because if it does im with pbbans 100%
  4. Is he hacking sorry 3rd one another diff person
  5. I straight out asked them now to see what there reply was but there reply before was what was posted above so I'll get back to you about it when they reply so far replies have been
  6. Well I was one of the 1st to jump on board of that wagon lol adding 10 servers to the hub I just dont understand why psb is turning me down for streaming to pbbans
  7. Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2 Clan-Hosting SOF2
  8. I think we did that in irc
  9. ok this is great I am now part of it however other repositories do not want to take me because they say that this is not impossible just to much work on there end so now punksbusted wants nothing to do with anyone coming from here to there isnt that a little dumb seeing as we are all trying to acheive one goal a cheat free community?
  10. thank you greatly
  12. the actual pbsvcvar and pbsvuser how will this effect them if we multistream?
  13. yes I would like to hop in on that also as a server admin but a quick question how will this effect the cvars being scanned and files being scanned?
  14. if you need me to do it brian I can
  15. what is the affiliate thing can anyone become an affiliate or just certain places or what?
  16. nerofix can actually cause issues with your sof2 if you arent careful
  17. Also on a second note thats not your first offence for that file thats your 2nd so I highly doubt its gonna be lifted MD5TOOL (#9002) - MD5Tool Mismatch: g--------ls.pk3 (len=32) [NMC] E-Man ( (03.27.2006) LounGe ( MD5TOOL (#9002) - MD5Tool Mismatch: base/mp/g--------ls.pk3 (len=32) E-Man ( (02.21.2006) LounGe (
  18. This is a very well known cheat.I dont believe any ban will be lifted on this wether it was downloaded on accident or on purpose.The life of pbbans is to go above and beyond what punkbuster by itself can do.Punkbuster scans for known cvars and some pk3's where as pbbans scans for cvars,pk3's,modified files etc they put a little more into pb so you may bypass punkbuster but you wont bypass pbbans with it.However I know your from NMC and I know there story.They run pb one day and not the next the only way to catch most cheaters is to get your server streaming.This allows you to post screenshots of cheaters stream your logs etc and keeps you safe and shows your a proud member of a non-cheating society.However I highly doubt your ban will be removed or they would have to remove everyone else from it (wether it was accident or not).Im not flaming you or anything im just stating pbbans cant be for 100% sure you actually downloaded it off a server or if you downloaded it off a cheat site so they cant remove everyone.My suggestion get a new game and dont download off servers you cant trust.
  19. Something aint right there The Client versions are v1.232 A1363 you got the A1363 right but your 1.2.17 is out of date.Also if servers are updated to v1.183 and you arent running the same it will kick you.Same if its running a older version of you also.
  20. I believe he was saying the game admins are saying its pbbans fault because they have the scans running for stock files if you do not have the correct stock files it kicks you out for a pb violation message.This happened to my guys on our cod:uo server and I eventually just had to remove the scan for stock files because it was kicking them after a clean fresh install
  21. no originally codfiles stated that mods and maps should be put in uo folder.This server doesnt it puts its mod and maps in a folder called micewars_2.Now taking the same files out of the micewars_2 folder and putting them in the uo folder I can play with no issues on a server that has the same maps.Its just this server and only this server giving the issues
  22. Not sure how to really explain but I'll try I have a favorite server that created a mod called micewars.So to run his server he created a folder called micewars_2.In the command line he added +set fs_game micewars_2 Now my 2nd favorite server MOB Barbarossa uses z_ahz_vehicles which downloads to your UO folder After playing @ Mob I cannot get into the Micewars server because of the vehicles files.But heres the catch Someone else running the same mod (Micewars) but not running it in the folder micewars_2 they are running it out of the uo folder.We can get into that server with no issues running the same mod and not removing files.So does this issue have to do with creating a mod folder for that server?
  23. I thought the no_fog and the flash were being removed because they downloaded them from servers?
  24. yes the no_fog people have been being removed from banslist. Flash can also be downloaded on servers.All flash does is allow you to see through a flash nade that is thrown @ you Field Of View should be ok not sure why its been banned but im sure one of the ban managers will correct me if I am wrong so hope it helps a little
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