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Everything posted by Maester

  1. Again you will have to go to this link to appeal your ban and discuss with them the nocd they are the ones who have made it bannable or kickable.Please keep us informed on how it goes.Thank you.
  2. we dont control pb we are just a privately ran pb support site.If you wish to appeal your ban via EB then contact them here http://www.punkbuster.com/troubleticket/ne...et.php?game=bf2
  3. if you have ftp access i find the easiest way to ensure trouble free streaming is to create a pbsvlog.cfg in notepad with this information in it (dont forget to select the all files option when you save it )and upload to your PB folder: pb_sv_LogAddr pb_sv_LogPort 24389 pb_sv_LogUser USER pb_sv_LogPw PW after creating a user and pass please feel free to send to any admin so that we may add your server into the repository streaming
  4. Server Status: Server is not streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: Harry Server IP: Last Streaming: Unknown Log Forwarding: None
  5. you are streaming via the hub thank you for your patience
  6. Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: Eng.Glory Server IP: Last Streaming: October 30, 2006 3:25 pm Log Forwarding: ACI would you like to forward to CB and AON also ?
  7. your server is still streaming @ this moment
  8. ACI is not streaming! AON - Streaming
  9. there trying to pull a slick one on you and make it sound like you were pb banned when you were not
  10. thye have to be linked via IP to the guid in order to be added
  11. Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: .[MBK]. Server IP: Last Streaming: October 18, 2006 10:13 pm Log Forwarding: ACI CB AON Your Server streaming to PBBans
  12. Thanks for the welcome. I am wanting to check out the dual streaming system and also be of any assistance to you guys as I can. I do not know how often you visit our site, but I am sure you know that I am one of the lead admins there and deal in just about every aspect of our Community. I do not think that it would be a good example to our members if I was not to partake in the dual streaming, and with all this hub bub about AASA and that hidden "cvar" I figured it would be a good idea to look into it some more and get it set up. Glad to see you joined the fight.Welcome to the SGA side of things
  13. server is not showing up in new servers list please check your settings
  14. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
  15. already posted rofl
  16. Heres a simple suggestion for everyone. If you dont like there rules then dont stream to them.Stream to another AC site I know pbbans and some others will greatly set you up with dual streaming.We have nothing to hide nor will we ever.Setting someones pb to do something that was not configured by pb or the person running pb is against pb's TOS.Now further more it may not be right for them to impose that you cannot dual stream.Well here is the simple answer.Dont stream to them and dont allow them access to your server therefore they cannot modify your pb.If they wish to violate pb TOS im sure pb would like to know.Let evenbalance make the decision wether its right or wrong.But coming from an admin @ pbbans your streaming is your decision and the server is ran by you and you alone.With that said understand modifying your server is against GSP TOS also (coming from a reseller of theplanet) You cannot access or modify anything on anyones box,server,or whatever it is without prior permission from the client.So as said above you dont like the aaso rules stream elsewhere.Most AC sites will be more then glad to help you out with the exception of the few who seem to have something to hide.Now im not here to bash anyone but understand this is everyones right to choose wether they dual stream or not.
  17. Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: HSB Server IP: Last Streaming: October 17, 2006 2:27 am Log Forwarding: None
  18. Have you tried this? If you need help from a staff member someone will gladly help you or do it for you.If you need someone to do it for you then just let me know.
  19. still not receiving any data are you trying to stream via hub or via rep also double check to make sure your pb is up to date.
  20. If your wishing to stream via hub please read here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266 If its via rep read here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19776
  21. Server isn't correctly configured it seems. No data is arriving. Please check ur settings again.
  22. Glad we can help :D
  23. For future reference do not use someone elses key or a generated key.The ban in question was this ban http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=9607 which is what linked your IP to the ban. Dynamic IP's are very common it could have been someone generated your IP but either way thats why someone added you to there ban list.Sorry for the incovenience.If you have anymore issues feel free to contact any of the staff via pm or irc.quakenet.org #pbbans
  24. done Forwarding to ACI & AON
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