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Everything posted by Maester

  1. yes that is agreeable.Although your not the one on the list it makes you and your clan look bad because it has your tags.I understand where your coming from and its understandable.Just make sure everyone knows its not you as you will have some servers ban you just because they see your name on the list instead of studying the IP's and guids etc
  2. lmao I just noticed my wording was the same as your name lmao :P well thats what it is from a taurine aim bot
  3. ellu.dll is from a notorious aimbot called taurine so he was caught with the md5 tool for ellu.dll mismatch which means it wasnt supposed to be there @ all
  4. Im not sure how this runs but I have my server streaming and I have this command in my pbsv.cfg so I dont think it would be an issue for you to stream pb_sv_cvarempty pb_sv_cvar "snaps" IN 20 50 pb_sv_cvar "rate" IN 2500 90000 pb_sv_cvar "cl_maxpackets" IN 30 60 pb_sv_cvar "r_ext_multitexture" IN 1 1 pb_sv_cvar "r_allowextensions" IN 1 1 pb_sv_cvar "cl_pitchspeed" OUT -50 50 pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 29
  5. yeah then xyz a.k.a RyanX the creator of adminmond and promod decided after Arrnor told Death he had to do it on rocmod.rocclan.com he came and said he would take over then he turned and sold it to nobleman after getting everyone @ sof2files hyped up lmfao
  6. I used rocmod-noble to catch cheaters @ 1 time when I didnt use pb but now I stream to pbbans so I really have no use for it anymore and found out why I cant get on herectics mod lmao he banned me when I defended Roc Arrnor because he created the domain sof2rocmod.com and Arrnor asked him to post any mods using the rocmod name @ his forum lmfao now I know why lol
  7. Im talking about Pro-Roc not Heretics mod but you make good points on heretic mod Yes this does pose a problem but the hidden sysop was added to rocmod-noble also as GOD.Adding all these features to herectic is making it just like rocmod-noble in my opinion and that mod is used for cheating servers mostly.Cants spec God,Sysop are invisible in spec what are they gonna do next make theadmins invisible bodies so they can kill everyone?
  8. He implemented a code in his Rocmod-Pro 2.4 that makes him and noble god on every server that uses that mod and he cant be removed which means they have total control of everyones server shows how he corrupted Arrnors work also makes a major security issue to your server also
  9. nope same error lmao
  10. this is what I get
  11. Except he was told to stop hiswork by Roc Arrnor because he came to the site using the name sof2 rocmod and created a website for it so he was told to quit working on it.He said he did that was that last I heard about Heretics Rocmod and your link dont work.Not sure if hes still continuing or not but if he is great will be great to see rocmod working again and updated
  12. Heres some info on Pro-Roc so you guys know http://forums.filefront.com/showthread.php...162#post2614162 So Pro-Roc 2.4 will not exist to the public it will only be on Noble servers and to his customers who he hosts.MerrickDS from sof2files has already asked another coder to take over this work and he says rocmod will be in good hands so lets see it get done.The new modder will be working with the rocmod-noble source code,rocmod source code and osp source code and hes working on getting goldrush to help out with adding some new features.This will be a great mod and hope to see this mod get done shortly.As for Pro-Roc you have commited infringement on the GPL by not releasing the source and also Stolen Roc Arrnors name by using Pro-Rocmod as your mod name. As said here http://rocmod.rocclan.com/viewtopic.php?t=...der=asc&start=0 Sorry to say after all the hard work Arrnor put into this mod we have little thiefs running around the sof2 community using sources and using the name rocmod and not releasing it to the public all because they let someone corrupt them with money ($300) then turned around and said I'll sell it to you if you donate ($700) im not gonna pay for something that was meant to be released to the public and this isnt a bidding game on who can buy your Mod.You may have been a great modder in sof2 with Admin Mod and Pro -Mod but now you trashed the sof2 community with Pro-Roc you would have gotton more money from the whole sof2 community then 1 sad server host. Sorry for my rants and ravs guys but this needed to be said and needs to be posted on all websites that support sof2 and Rocmod
  13. I have 2 issues My 1st issue is with patch update for cod when I update my cod from the original to 1.5 I get missing 15 sound files My 2nd issue is when trying to run the new pbsetup from punkbuster it tells me pb isnt installed and its been installed by the game
  14. goodlcuk and be extremely careful over there and come back to all of us safe
  15. He registered with the user name Shane hes the admin of the server and would be taking over his server for streaming
  16. what do you need he just registered I just need to know who to refer him to to get the server streaming in his name instead of mine
  17. How do I transfer a server out of my name? I have a server streaming under my name PPC Server and they are wanting to take the streaming over so what do they do to get the server set over to them.They registered on the forum now and I wasnt sure where they need to go from there do they PM Murderor or do you put it in there name for them?
  18. only 1 question I was added but now I dont get to upload my screenshots like I did when I was a streaming game admin is this something I did or is this because we dont have the access?
  19. no prob im in no rush dont worry just letting you know im ready when you are dunno when I'll be home on Sunday got a funeral to attend so I'll get with you soon though
  20. sorry should have been more specific I own 3 boxes and am a game service provider and I was wandering what the difference between what I am now and what you are then I seen someone that was blue clicked on his name and it said game service provider so was just wandering about it
  21. ok no problem let me know whenever your ready and will get those servers streaming
  22. How do you become a game hosting admin? I am a game hoster and would like to do this also
  23. yeah I have him on my msn he told me if I ever needed anything from him and couldnt get him to post on forum so I am and hopefully he will see it lol I'll pm him thanx for your info and your help
  24. Forgive me I stream with pbbans on my sof2 servers can someone direct me in the right path to get all the correct files to stream with pbbans so that I may stream my 2 cod:uo servers with pbbans?
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