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Everything posted by hugin

  1. My writing so i guess that goes to me, I mean exactly that, yet another poor coded game that get tossed to EB to correct all its flaws and bugs for hackers to abuse. And that is more or less what i wrote as well ;)
  2. And if it comes without PB support it will be an big success TBH :D
  3. Best date ever! :D

  4. Agree Lucky, and my guess is this game will be ported code from consoles, and that will end in fail...
  5. Hmm :blink: Battlefield Heroes, BF3 rumours and now this? About time they at least get the BF2 1.5 Patch out and get something done before they start on "new" game releases...
  6. Nope .. ;)
  7. I got an EA Betafield Heroes email now, just to tell me nothing, they will do some testing in and maybe realise something February, wow how exciting.... NOT. Another game down the drain, lets hope it do not get any PB support, seriously....
  8. To be sure yes. We have had some situation in the past for this and it is recommended to turn those off, happy mumbling :)
  9. Correct, we do not ban for those, neither do PB. But it is for sure an cheap way to play, and "Everyone else does it" do not compute for me ;)
  10. Is the game still under development??? Thought this was EA/ DICE :D
  11. Yes, every GUID on our MBi is a cheat in any form we do ban for. Do it simple, just reefer to our MBi ;)
  12. Well thing is I am sure they have resources for it, but I don't see why they should spend time on it when its going to be retail soon enough anyway.
  13. Why should EB use resources on a Beta OS that soon enough will come out as retail? They will not do that for obvious reasons ;) Run XP meanwhile.
  14. Immature comment is not necessary and post above this is set to invisible and poster PM'ed. At least keep it on a level that makes sense on an old threads that really do not need to be bumped. PB software is what keeps us on this site after all guys.
  15. Why in gods name do you need to post in caps and with font size 5???? Its not like it will trigger a better answer to your question ;) As RoadWarrior says, get your server streaming or give us some more info, like GUID, ban link etc. As for the last, most of that info can or will be restricted to SGA's (Streaming Game Admins)
  16. Punkbuster software do not support Beta OS, hence your problem. Use Win XP/ Vista to solve.
  17. /pb_myguid
  18. This is desktop:
  19. As Buff says, that is game exploits and have nothing to do with PB. And no, you have to be logged in through RCon to kick/ ban someone from a server, if not that would cause pretty much havoc ;) ATM EB have not an updated list of available PB commands (CoDWaW) But you can most likely use the one for CoD4, have not yet checked that though, but I see no reason it should not work:
  20. First link here: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbsvc.html#install Then run this from your desktop: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
  21. As long as you do not stream that is pretty obvious, it is for SGA's, Streaming Game Admins. When you get a server streaming again you will have SGA status back ;) Your access to the server goes under: 1. Terms & Definitions 1.1 Game Server - A game server shall be defined as a network server running a program that acts as a hub for clients to connect to for the purpose of interaction. For the purposes of clarification, PBBans will only allow streaming from dedicated servers and not from LAN or personal computers. And will be considered a home server > personal computer. You need to get your server at a official game hosts or at a datacenter, simple as that m8.
  22. We don't let public members at PBBans, or others for that matter "tell stories" about others. Take that to other forums if the urge for free speech is present on this matter. Closed.
  23. :thumbsup:
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