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Everything posted by RedKilla

  1. Very sad to hear.
  2. Your beef is with Evenbalance not PPbans.
  3. RedKilla


    Oh wow..Sad news indeed
  4. Correction!!! Donation goal met.. I covered the rest,
  5. agreed Diz..make it a minimum of 5 bucks. at least!
  6. Oh I thought you were saying you had 200 people donating $1.. My Bad!!!
  7. Cant make it a minimum of $5??? I mean who cant afford 5 bucks lol
  8. 200 donations of $1???? come on people
  9. Wow, I didn't realize so few people were donating. The MPI is invaluable. And so is the service.. We donate every month. As a matter of fact, I wish the auto subscription would last longer before I had to select renew.
  10. Ok
  11. Well, Its still doing it. When I look at the kick logs and hit the back arrow, I get the same thing. Webpage has expired. No biggie really, it just annoys the crap out of me. LOL
  12. Thanks Maydax
  13. I have noticed since you upgraded the site that more often that not when I hit the back arrow I get this. Seems to happen when I do an ip search and clicking on linked Guids and then going back to click on another one. Webpage has expired Most likely cause: The local copy of this webpage is out of date, and the website requires that you download it again. Something to try: Click on the Refresh button on the toolbar to reload the page. After refreshing, you might need to navigate to the specific webpage again, or re-enter information.
  14. Losing key packets sounds like a connection problem on your end, whens the last time you rebooted your modem? And use this.. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php and/or http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
  15. This is interesting, This was on the home page of foxnews.com However the link doesnt work http://www.foxnews.com/slideshow/scitech/2009/11/09/duty-modern-warfare%20?test=faces Ahhh..this link works though.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,573389,00.html Wierd..dont click the link, copy and paste all of it
  16. LMAO!!! Man Ive never seen anyone give props like that! I give you props for giving proper props!
  17. LMAO!! thats awesome Maydax..Hope you dont mind, that pic is on our home page now! And yep..canceled my pre order
  18. I would really like to know when a COD 4 version comes out as well as if there are any plans for a COD MWII version coming. And yes..sof 2..we still play it..LOL
  19. Is this anything like orange peels alias finder? I see it doesnt support SOF 2
  20. Thank God!!! I was lost!!!
  21. Congrats To PBBANS!!! Happy Bday Guys..Keep up the great work!!
  22. Wanker! LOL Just saying hi M8!

  23. Hey bro..did you ever get my pm???

  24. Hi Arckon..caught ya again..tsk tsk tsk...no haxors allowed
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