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Everything posted by Benway

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24118
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18609
  3. imo a server with pb_sv_USessionLimit 0 wont stream anyway, try 3 :P
  4. i see no pb_ MSG just a game console shutting down, what happens when joining a pb-disabled server?
  5. Your GUID is globally banned by EvenBalance. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...php?game=bf2142
  6. is the core MSG, the ban was dealt out by an admin of the game server. You will have to contact the server's admins directly, you are not on PBBans master ban index.
  7. IP:Port would be useful to answer with more than a guess.
  8. SGA access heisst streaming game admin access
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php B)
  10. no issues to remove it at all (game allows 0-3 anyway, not?) only point was "3" shows some cross-influences with several other brightness related tweaks.
  11. this is a globally banned guid from a leaked key, re-enter your legit cd-key.
  12. Congrats. Yes, see 'Useful Links' in account status PM
  13. :blink: my first thought was punkbuster must be disabled, just it is enabled http://www.game-monitor.com/GameServer/85....ANTRY_ONLY.html I see two possible reasons, either the server is missing the setup "REMOTE CONSOLE ACCESS" from pb Quick Start Guide http://evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad....htm#quickstart , or the provider restricts rcon access (ask) Any chance you can try BF2CC as described here? I never admin`ed a BF2 server, maybe one of our BF geeks has a clue :smooth:
  14. can you enter pb_sv_ver and post the response pls?
  15. Two clients with same external IP is possible, just the two have to use a different port, or the second one connecting might get no connection to the Game's Master Servers, depends on game, for all quake3 engine games the workaround is to start the game with a setting Game.exe +set net_port 27660 (client1) Game.exe +set net_port 27661 (client 2) ... client n : default-game-port + n
  16. not sure what caused this issue, just how to fix : http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/cod2-ad/index.htm * added ... this is a pb server setting, for online mp game servers 0 is recommended. Now the question is if LAN clients will have the same IP (likely PB_SV_GUIDRelax 2 ), if this doesnt work PB_SV_GUIDRelax 6 (2+4)
  17. your guid is not on MBi, nothing we could do about this, try to contact the server admin.
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