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Everything posted by Benway

  1. option 1: update pb, re-enter cd key option 2: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=pbsvc http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=pbsetup
  3. 'Ignoring MD5 tool queries' is a quite common issue related to (pb-)client-server network-connection problems. Usually caused by either maxed out pb_sv_md5toolfreq (i cannot recommend below 30), but tis a server setting; or by old client-pb. Delete contents of /pb and reinstall pb (not teh game :S you get the same outdated pb ofc) by using pbsetup Adjust network settings ingame, the default setting for dsl/cable/lan cl_maxpackets 30 is too low for 90% of modern connections. Blended settings that work smoothly for both good and fair (and not so good ) client-server connections (ingame /console): /cg_lagometer 1 /rate 20000 /snaps 20 /cl_maxpackets 85 (if lagometer shows permanent yellow try 76) /cl_packetdup 0 /cl_timenudge 0
  4. 88c1dbc63586ca3028fdb164ffacbd7f not listed here http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?game...8fdb164ffacbd7f
  5. thats the 'enforce bans' (hub flag) concept. more answers here B)
  6. aha. Membership Status : Denied Staff Comments (Dec 30, 2007 5:29 pm): We do not allow Cracked servers to stream to PBBans. Gilligans Hardcore S&D Cracked 1.4 Blacklisted Servers: (Cracked CoD4)
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...amp;showfile=16
  8. OT. Cause they are beyond useless. Superficial half-knowledge as usual, seems you see quite a few things based on imagination. Drugs, just say NO. There is no discussion here about running stock checks, OT and old news. My message included this is no issue related to PBBans in any shape or form, we dont support = we don't suggest or issue, wrong forum to put it straight: Contact the server adimistrator and ask to remove the scans -- Reasons should be more than clear now, it's not Clients' fault but hypochondriacal admins', nothing a client could do about it, no point to repeat or question this the n-th time -- Find the noob forum that suggested the regarding check-spam and complain there, not here. *Lock*
  9. ask the server admin to remove useless checks. Just to state it one clearly (again): PBBans does NOT support stock file scans.
  10. basicly you need nothing but pb_sv_kick slot# 0 in HLSW Console to kick for 0 minutes, as noob i used RconUnlimited a long time as its much simpler than HLSW, this along with the admin bible. Doubt a bit it works with cod4 (?) http://callofduty.filefront.com/screenshots/File/84396/ is the same just its 'modern' geez ;p
  11. pb_sv_plist ---> pb-slot# PunkBuster Server: Player List: [slot #] [GUID] [Address] [status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name] PunkBuster Server: 3 aaaa11dddddaa8833338888cff111111(-) OK 1 3.0 1 (BenOS) "itsmeh" PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (1 Player) pb_sv_kick pb-slot# ... or name for teh nubs> Minutes> | pb_sv_kick 3 0 ... done ;p pb_sv_banlist pb_sv_banlist smeh PunkBuster Server: 137 aaaa11dddddaa8833338888cff111111 {1/5} "itsmeh" "" Low Negative Score oops :S pb_sv_UnBan 137 PunkBuster Server: Ban Slot #137 has been Unbanned PunkBuster Server: 0 Ban Records Updated in /home/myclan/.wolf/pb/pbbans.dat pb_sv_banlist sme PunkBuster Server: 113 ffff11223344ddd550aabccff102389 {5/5} "smellfeet" "" r_uifullscreen 1 PunkBuster Server: 137 (UnBanned) aaaa11dddddaa8833338888cff111111 {2/5} "itsmeh" "" Low Negative Score oops :S pb_sv_KickLen PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_KickLen = 5 (0 to 60)
  12. http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  13. ... lokal zu bannen ja. Nutzungsbedingungen.html (Originalfassung: Terms of Service) ... 4.1 ff : waere mir neu, dass eine HP streamt :rolleyes:
  14. these are bans added by pbbans Hub, the last column is "Reason" e.g. "PBBansHub!AIMBOT" your server runs 'enforce bans' flag, i.e. these banned guids tried to enter your server and Hub send a pb_sv_BanGUID explanation : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24247 recommended reading stuff : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=426 ;) Use the MBi search and http://www.pbbans.com/mpi with GUIDs (a name is ... nothing ;p) PS: all local bans - i.e. in the server's banlist(s) - issued by pb_sv_Ban or pb_sv_banguid will be found in pb/pbbans.dat
  15. stats are for nerds, and on another note nothing but a hacker-magnet ;p thus seta ignore "1" For guids caught cheating: a valid ban will always stay, no matter who was the offender, all serious anticheat organisations will ban punkbuster guids (and nothing else), bottomline: "We ban guids, not persons". Note: This is a punkbuster support site for server admins and all punkbuster supported games. We dont deal with game related problems you will have to solve with the game developers. PS: the guid was? or click my sig
  16. this is what was streamed [12.22.2007 05:18:56] ->PBSV: Master Query Sent to (BF21.EVENBALANCE.COM) [12.22.2007 05:18:56] ->PBSV: Received Master Security Information [12.22.2007 05:33:53] pb_sv_ver [12.22.2007 05:33:53] ->PBSV: PB UCON "pbbanshub"@ [pb_sv_ver] [12.22.2007 05:33:53] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled [ ... ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: [Slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] [12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: 1 1 pbbanshub [12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12.22.2007 08:15:47] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled [12.22.2007 08:19:00] ->PBSV: Master Query Sent to (MASTER5.EVENBALANCE.COM) [12.22.2007 08:19:01] ->PBSV: Received Master Security Information [12.22.2007 08:20:42] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled [12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: PB Scheduled Task List: [slot #] [first] [every] [command] [12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: 1 [0] [7200] pb_sv_ver [12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: End of PB Task List (1 Task) [12.22.2007 08:24:00] ->PBSV: Slot: Grace Filter [12.22.2007 08:24:00] ->PBSV: End of Bad Name List (0 BadNames) pb_Command [ e.g. pb_plist ] is pb-client-sided and isn't loged (to pb server, if, then on clients machine e.g. pb/pbcl.log or game.log etc.) pb_sv_Command [e.g. pb_sv_plist ] is pb-server-sided and is loged in servers pb logs; I would check again tomorrow, maybe there is an issue to open a log that is in use by pb server :? all bf2 pb_sv Commands
  17. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...amp;showfile=25
  18. there is no information and for good reasons. otherwise the "undetectable" products from removed.com would not end up on MBi, as i'm a bit mean i consider it more fun to see them all go *POP* unprepared :P
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