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Everything posted by Benway

  1. DEATH FACTORY 15000 XPSAVE try (/RCon) pb_sv_uconlist , server reply should be this: PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbans PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry) if it is not: - check if pbucon.use is present in /pb dir - (/RCon) pb_sv_restart check again (/RCon) pb_sv_uconlist http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
  2. As far as you remove all stockfile MD5 checks (or replace with new ones matching the patched files) i see no probs. The contents of pbbans MDL (discontinued now) in pbsvuser.cfg can stay as given for all Versions.
  3. as said for et.exe: /RCon pb_sv_md5toollist command will output to the server console all file checks in the PB Server's current working set (each with a slot#). /RCon pb_sv_md5tooldel command will delete a specific file check in memory (using the slot# shown by pb_sv_md5toollist). ignoring MD5Tool Queries can be a network problem, try to tweak pb_sv_md5toolfreq in RCon in case the server kicks for it all the time. Be aware some kicks are normal, mostly after players connect and get kicked b4 pb got his ass up: /RCon pb_sv_md5toolfreq ... returns the current setting, e.g. 30 (default value) e.g.: /RCon pb_sv_md5toolfreq 50 ... lowers the frequency of md5tool scans a bit, thus clients get more time to respond. When you use a Rcon tool like HSWL or Rcon Unlimited omit all /Rcon
  4. if you typed this as is, renaming pb/pbbans_hud.cfg to pb/pbbans_hub.cfg followed by pb_sv_restart should sort it. And: latest PB Server Ver. is v1.250 - http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=dl-et.php
  5. Well first off if AASA's policy is "stream to us and no one else" that is solely their decision. Not very much to respond really as long this is stated clearly, accept it and stream to AASA, or not and decide for mulitistreaming and joining the "spirit of co-operation". The point that bothers me is rather is the question how aware AA admins are they are allowed to stream 12 hours via hub, that is funny isn't it, or am i missing something? Why is it in a cfg in a cryptic form most admins will oversee, and quite a few will not understand?
  6. i.e. stop all hub streaming after 12 hours, huh? :S imo this has to be a clear point to every streaming admin, or it will cause problems all AC sites (but aasa) will have to deal with - LoL! thanks for heads-up
  7. You have a CVar in your cfgs that is controlling a known hack. No? Feel free to appeal the ban by using the button at end of http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=14057 i recommend you leave your game/cfgs unchanged (or backup copy your game folder) and provide any info requested.
  8. When you'r happy with steaming via Rep Your Server streaming to PBBans , no. :) All yet recommended is to check out the Master Bans Index (MBI) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php --[you can find all links on PBBans start page after logging in, click Forums Link 'Visit our Website' top left]-- to update your servers banlist, e.g. by using the Master Bans Index (MBI) Generation Utility (alternative is jPAT) and check for new bans on a regular base. (Hub streamers can get this auto by using Live Banning click me) If you wish to run advanced scans using PBBans Master CVAR Library (MCL) & Master MD5 Library (MDL), a quick how-to can be found Here & Here. See the pinned topics in Streaming Game Admin Private Area subforum as well B)
  9. #130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack i.e. he can file a trouble ticket at evenbalace, see: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17811 and btw according to this, locked. Any further questions feel free to ask in irc #pbbans
  10. so SP runs and MP hangs, i got that right? did you try a PB update http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=dl-sof2.php ? usual workaround for hanging/crashing games: 1. gfx-drivers (no windows own crap =) http://www.techspot.com/drivers.shtml http://www.guru3d.com (fubar) 2. DirectX reinstall 3. game /patches 4. manual PB update
  11. You could try the demos if you'r unsure? CoD2-demo
  12. Rate settings and restrictions depend on game and when it was released, i.e. what type of connections were common at the time - default value of ET is: Rate 5000 LoL - and on server side setting sv_maxRate, i doubt a higher rate setting helps anyway... anyway rate is a usefull tweak (change it in console) to get a smooth connection, nothing to do with cheat. http://ucguides.savagehelp.com/ConnectionF...ameSpecific.htm see quake3 section for old q3engine games like ET/Rtcw ... Edit: forgot in ETpro things are slighly diff (antilag) search http://www.splashdamage.com/index.php?name...&file=index and http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/index.php happy reading :P
  13. Just lookie here and reconsider if the whole "beta-testing at own risk" is worth the headache; this thread answers most questions, incl. it's no matter of trust, only evenbalance can resolve cases like that via trouble-ticket, till eb hands out a false positive confirmation a corresponding ban has to stay.
  14. ... and hold and push to go --> console-start, resp. + for end :)
  15. Harharhah :Pmy money is on: Someone wants to leave the game (otherwise divorce^_^) and make sure no reconsidering l8er :rolleyes:
  16. as said, can have a number of reasons, i had it once myself, reason was 'mp_bin.pk3', a small file containing the game's .dll's was corrupted, copy back from a backup (v. useful, made no reinstall since ... years ;)) sorted it.
  17. This is an opinion, well possible, but is it likely as well? Experience and facts make something else rather evident: "once a cheat, always a cheat" (possibly "clean" for a little while when it's appropriate ... )Any admin who bothers to maintain a banlist will come across players that managed to create multiple log entries with different hacks, who starts to stream to pbbans or just intergrates a server's banlist with pbbans' MBI will find double guid's, around 10% of them with differing hack violations and dates, always showing a sort of "upgrade tendency", i.e. first detection gamehack/bot/WH, second catch Multihack/pb_hack etc.; same applies to hax who manage to enter both PsB & PBBans MBI, just a nameless example ... Or simply try a forums search here for keyword "already" in 'Screenshot and Demo Submission Area', will return quite a number of posts like ... guid is already on MBI etc. And lo everyone btw :)
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