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Everything posted by DaLynX

  1. Y'a des chances car parmis le Staff la plupart ne peuvent pas voir le site. Essaye de r
  2. Le plus simple je pense serait de faire un site, vite fait. Certains h
  3. Le site fonctionne correctement pour moi. Il y a du avoir un probl
  4. PBBans ne peut rien faire contre les probl
  5. A mon avis il avait chang
  6. Tu n'est pas SGA. J'en d
  7. Modded servers have nothing to do with actual cheating. We do not see anything wrong in server admins streaming to us modded servers as long as they are not cracked ones. If you want to complain about stats padding issues or anything related to EA's rules, please contact EA directly.
  8. If you're certain your server is correctly configured and it still doesn't work, please contact your hosting provider, and ask them to check that their firewalls accept incoming UDP connections from the Hub (Hub IP is, as stated in the setup guides)
  9. Could you post your pbsv.cfg here ? (Or more precisely the UCON settings part.) The last PB log file could also be useful. (You can find that one in the /pb/svlogs directory)
  10. Ce sont les GUIDs qui ont d
  11. <PBBansBot> Data last received 12 secs ago BattleField 2 Server is streaming via HUB. <PBBansBot> Hub Live is currently tracking 19 players on this server <PBBansBot> PB Version Server: 1.738 | Client: 2.194 | Client A: 1392 <PBBansBot> MSI Link: http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-195-72-152-73-16567.html Ca marche, je te passe SGA ;) (Normalement c'est automatique, mais fait
  12. Si le serveur est bien configur
  13. Votre ancienne candidature a
  14. How did you try to ban him ? I advise you to use the tools offered by PB instead of the ones from the game itself, they are far more reliable. Use pb_sv_ban and pb_sv_banguid to ban people from your server, based on the GUID. The IP ban command is pb_sv_banmask.
  15. Tr
  16. Oui. Mais bon si y'a bien [09.10.2009 17:15:34] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbhub1", il semblerait que tout est bien configur
  17. Are you sure of the port ? 4 digits looks weird indeed. Anyway I see that IP in your team account and the system says it has never streamed. Please check the port again. If you have made a mistake you can remove the server from your team account and add a new one all by yourself using the appropriate buttons.
  18. Cette ligne est inutile, c'est l'ancienne adresse du Hub. Il faudrait l'enlever. Sinon
  19. C'est normal. flokiller a
  20. Toujours pas de streaming. :S As-tu v
  21. Je crois qu'il manque un morceau l
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