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Everything posted by 5chaap2k

  1. 5chaap2k


    im dutch and its real dutch in there.. but uts not really that funny :/
  2. your DNS is broken i can ping them fine and ingame its also working flush your DNS cache :)
  3. Evenbalance no longer supports the games FEAR Retail and FEAR Combat. All support including downloads and PB-Setup have ended for this game. PBBans wil stop supporting F.E.A.R. Retail/Combat per 21.12.2007 http://www.evenbalance.com
  4. he makes his nickname come trough.. you dirty rat :P
  5. Source: http://www.lithfaq.com The BASTARD Mod has been released! This nifty little mod adds - 20 player support - 27 MP characters - 15 new weapons - and 14 crazy maps - a completely differrent gameplay! You can grab it from the F.E.A.R. area of our downloads section Click here this is a real fun mod! lots of cool weapons, and even better maps/gameplay and characters :D I've setup a server for it in FragFest mode to run 24/7 see http://games.xs4all.nl for serverinfo. Like all other fear-mods (CoopWarfare etc) you cant use PB because of the corrupt module kicks error. So if u decide to run a server, disable PB and remove the maps BastardArena and FEARball from the cycle to make it compatible with both combat and retail fear
  6. Did you try asking this in the Crytek/Crysis official forums? :) I dont really know anything about Crysis...
  7. i might convert a copy of XS4ALL FEAR CTF to persues mandate. Are there any informational website concerning Persues mandate server setup and configuration? :)
  8. Van harte welkom als GSP hier op PBBans :) mochten er vragen/problemen zijn wil ik altijd proberen te helpen :)
  9. thanks :)
  10. ik was met vakantie en de meeste nederlandse admins/leden spreken goed engels waardoor dit forum inderdaad alleen een beetje stof ligt te happen :) het is ook meer een stukje extra service om nederlanders en belgen die de engelse taal niet te rijk zijn ook te kunnen helpen :)
  11. the problem is in the "" marks remove them in the target field :)
  12. there's alot of doggs called Fido these days, names/aliases aren't worth anything in anticheat. We've got lots of ppl banned with the alias "Player" and "Player(1)" for example. but that does not mean anyone who just installed the game has to appeal these :lol:
  13. howto updated conform the new hubstreaming settings!
  14. that guid is also not on our banlist can you give the exact banmessage?
  15. plz type PB_Myguid in console and copy paste it here. the guid you posted gives no result of gameplay on streaming servers
  16. I started playing the demo as soon as it got out (click here for download and info) and I'm hooked! :) It's very good combination of both tactical combat aswell as oldschool run and frag action :) Too bad most ppl on demoservers don't really understand the game and complain about cheats when a team has 2 verry good snipers :) only 1 helicopter (GDI side) keeps me getting crashed.. but ill figure it out eventually :) some screenshots i took:
  17. the 1.1 version is still downloadable here: http://games.xs4all.nl/downloads.php?gt=31 also Sinew is at school again, semester started again, but is still actively working on it.
  18. Fix: http://evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
  19. 5chaap2k


    He temporarily lost his SGA status because he had no streaming gameserver :) All sorted now, thread closed.
  20. it seems fixed now, i've got all my servers back streaming now :) just keep an eye on svlogs for strange stuff :)
  21. plz provide a link to the ban, because i cant find any ban :)
  22. nope :) i'm running a clean installed ubuntu box at work with a small fear server on it and it still doesnt kick ppl But you're having it on linux? the kicks?
  23. sinew's patch helps to get the most of them out :) get it here: F.E.A.R. Unofficial Serverside Patch v1.1.0 (Linux/Windows)
  24. Dual screen setup wrong primary monitor, and probably some crappy crosshair hack loading on his wrong monitor :P submit it :)
  25. sumit a new one with the ticketurl to the old one in it? :) going to do that myself next week when there's still no reply.. I dont think they've noticed there really is a problem here..
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