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Everything posted by 5chaap2k

  1. and if his/her appeal got denied it means the file was infact cheatrelated and a cheat is or has been running on that persons computer. PBBans also bans for past cheating :) We've always warned our members: DO NOT TEST HACKS! :)
  2. there are several threads on this patch on several different forums and no. the patch is nog abandonned Sinew is testing a new version atm wich fixes alot of issues :)
  3. pb_sv_badname 0 adhd pb_sv_badname 0 ADHD Should do the trick
  4. ps with the config i've sent you your server is now autmaticly making screenshots from clients you can find them in the /pb/svss folder on your server :)
  5. Team account created -> http://www.pbbans.com/account.php Server added and streaming! Welcome to the Streaming Game Admins group! expect a informative PM in a few seconds!
  6. Y.A.F.F.M. 1 (Q3DM17 by: RustuS)
  7. F.E.A.R. Master Config Index (MDL) updated June 19th 2007 http://www.pbbans.com/mci.php B)
  8. is your server streaming allready? ;)
  9. and dont crosspost lol.. allready replyed to u on VU-Games :D
  10. //Flash// please register on the VUGames forums and ask patch specific questions there.. Sinew is on a dialup connection so he's not going to check all forums that talk about his patch ;)
  11. sometimes a verry good suggestion is made here.. like this one! B)
  12. Update released! v1.1 see thread linked above! B)
  13. !!!! NEW VERSION RELEASED !!!! Sinew released v1.1 of his patch! This version includes the [sEC] Tags in front of the mapname's and has alot of fixes (servercrash issue resolved, removed a few false positives and more) ppl allready running a [sEC]Tagged version still need to update it!! Download the new version here (XS4ALL Mirror)
  14. LOL! that's AoR`Notoriouz :D use the XS4ALL link instead
  15. LOL! that's AoR`Notoriouz :D
  16. not a hack (samplerate 2 might cause this) I you are the admin of this server, please setup streaming for it.. it's a good 2ndline of defence next to sinews patch :)
  17. im aware of the clan/cheatsites you've tried to mention :) but please do not post links, servernames or clannames in public.. just PM me or another admin with the info :)
  18. we're currently working on a new version of this patch wich addresses some issue's ive tested the bannediplist problem and don't get it on my servers.. it keeps the files and doesn;t empty them at all.. the patch does nothing to the bannediplist rather then add it's own bans to it..
  19. nope, it only logs the ingameGUID (not PBguid) and IP into a logfile and then bans it ingame. The plugin does not commincate with or use Punkbuster at all :) it uses a different detetection methods as PB asswell :)
  20. shit i wanted to add darkwolf on my account.. :( maydax! feature request! multiple team accounts for 1 admin? :D
  21. the current release doesn't have the tagg's yet. Me and some others are running a slightly newer version.. i've only got the windowsversion so far: this one does have the tagg's, but please keep an eye on this thread as i expect sinew to be still working on more protections and detections :)
  22. the [sEC] tag in front of the map names ok forum wont make a working link of this so.. copy paste the url to a new window: http://game-monitor.com/search.php?search=[sec]&type=map&game=fear But stick to this thread as i keep it updated.. Sinew is still updating the patch regulary :)
  23. it is possible! there's one in this screenshot and it is a working pbguid :) http://screenshot.xfire.com/screenshot/nat...5595668d696.png
  24. see: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27972 B)
  25. F.E.A.R. Master Config Index (MDL) updated June 5th 2007 http://www.pbbans.com/mci.php B)
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