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Everything posted by 5chaap2k
Can I run pb on my server without requiring players to have it?
5chaap2k replied to FrenchTart's topic in F.E.A.R
- make a serveroptions file with the leaguesettings specified for the tourney - setup voting for new maps (not for bans/kicks) let all players join, if all are ready have one of the clanleaders vote for the map again, after maprestart match is live there's also a tournament mod for fear, but it has some changed weaponstrengths asswell mod can be downloaded here: author's website: http://mysite.fh-coburg.de/~haeublem/ft/index.html -
Can I run pb on my server without requiring players to have it?
5chaap2k replied to FrenchTart's topic in F.E.A.R
on a 50 ppl lanparty i think it's possible to drop PB and just walk around the opponents and look on their screens.. but if it aint broken. dont fix it. setup rules for players to make sure the have a legit version of fear or combat, patched and working correctly, so u can just point them to the rules that state that they are responsible for making their game work correctly :) i've done admin for alot of games in the bestofbenelux finals (BeNeLux as in Belgium, Netherlands,Luxembourg) and mostly did it that way :) -
Can I run pb on my server without requiring players to have it?
5chaap2k replied to FrenchTart's topic in F.E.A.R
sounds more like a Punbuster configuration error :) However, as a fellow lanparty organisation (my lan) - Make sure the server's are updated with the latest Punkbuster files - download the server and client manual updates from: http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-fear.php - Create a Punkbuster files section on your lanparty's intranet website where players can download the correct files :) - Make sure the ppl are updating the CORRECT folder. fear has it's PB client files in the USER directory c:\docs n settings\all users\shared docs\fear\pb - doublecheck serversettings, and functioning before the tourney launches.. just pick 2 clans and allow them to do some warming up on the servers so u can check if all goes well :) GL with your LAN :) -
No PBSV.CFG In console enter: pb_sv_writecfg and then a pbsv.cfg should appear there! SCMD? Read the readme of f.e.a.r. :) SCMD allows some admin commands ingame via chat :) SCMD login SCMDPASSWORD SCMD help then pres your chatkey and use PgUp and PgDown to scroll trough the possible commands Unique players Unique means different players so if 2 guys keep joining and leaving your server that number stays 2 :)
yes it's easyer to install additional extra servers if u do it this way, otherwise the second server will use the same pb config etc. and that will give errors. If u install only one server this way it will be fine asswell those settings in pbsv.cfg enable the punkbuster webtool, a webpage wich allows u to controll the server without having to join the game :)
Please bare with me while i reply in here in dutch.. :P heb je deze howto gevolgd? http://www.fragvalley.nl/users/schaap2k/FearServerHowto/ mooi dan nu punkbuster.. download PBSETUP op: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php start deze op en druk op ADD Game dit doe je 2 keer :) 1keer met als map x:\JouwFearServerMap\ 1keer met als map x:\JouwFearServerMap\USER\ ram nu op update en wacht tot ie klaar is wat je ook kunt proberen is in de serverconsole pb_sv_update in te voeren
is it a windows server or linux? do u have complete access or is it a rented server with only ftp and/or controllpanel?
If u feel more like playing DM with 32 players instead of the defaultly allowed 16players Download Coop-Warfare: http://coopwarfare.fearmaps.com/ And join: XS4ALL 32PLAYER DM (CW06) NOTICE! You need Coop-warfare 0.6 to join! get it at http://coopwarfare.fearmaps.com/ ! mode: Deathmatch players: 32 mod: CoopWarfare 0.6 Timelimit: 30 Scorelimit: 800 maps: -Asylum -Refinery -Stockpile -WaterWorks -Campus -Docks -Factory -HighTech -Office Next to it's amazing modifications in gamemode's weapons skins and other stuff, this the Coop-warfare mod also enabled to raise the amount of players to 32 instead of the default 16. I wonder what asylum would look like with 32 players running around in it as skelletons, chicks, fatboys etc :P spread the word, fill her up! next to the raised playerlimit the servers also introduces: 2 new weapons: HC3000m CWI Sniper rifle alot of new skins: see image below
BF2142 doesn't show PB Kickmessages.. just a blank error with the text PUNKBUSTER [blanco area] OK Try manually updating your PB Client!
no it's a feature in the game trigerred by team-commands :) like enemy spotted or follow me :)
u are confising megabits per second with megabytes per second Internetconnections like ADSL/DSL/CABLE are mostly specified in bits per second F.E.A.R. Settings go in bytes per settings! Set your F.E.A.R. Settings to DSL or CABLE for the right configuration. For the rest all answers have been given allready..
Example win32 batch to upload and cleanup PB'ss screenshots Needs: - Win32 server environment - Webserver accessable tru ftp - Windows task scheduler Does: - Gets only the .png files from server's /pb/svss/ folder uploaded to FTP - Deletes .png and .htm files from /pb/svss/ Files: - UploadPbss.bat - FTPcommands.cfg Examplefiles added as an attachment (.rar) 5chaap2k_SVSStoFTP.rar UploadPbss.bat Note that u have to change the path 'C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss' to whatever your server's path is @echo off echo. echo Attempting to upload screenshots... c: cd C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss IF NOT EXIST C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss\*.png GOTO :NOSCREENSHOTS ftp -s:ftpcommands.cfg >> FTPlogfile.txt goto done :done echo. echo Deleting transferred screenshots and htm files... del C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss\*.htm /Q >> DeleteHTMLlog.txt del C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss\*.png /Q >> DeletePNGlog.txt GOTO :END :NOSCREENSHOTS CLS ECHO. ECHO There are no screenshots present at this moment. ECHO. GOTO :END :END CLS EXIT FTPcommands.cfg Note that u have to change the path 'C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss' to whatever your server's path is Note that u have to change the path 'PB_Screenshots/Fearserver01/' to whatever your webserver's pbss-storage path is Note that u have to change the path 'your.ftp.server.ip' to whatever your server's ip is, same for username and password lcd C:\SERVERS\FearMPDedicated\USER\pb\svss open your.ftp.server.ip username password cd PB_Screenshots/Fearserver01/ prompt binary mput *.png bye Now schedule a task in Windows taskmanager to run UploadPBSS.bat every 10 or more minutes
i host on windooze so i've had an easy job :lol: taskmanager > batchfile batchfile > get .png files from servers /pb dir ftp .png files to /servername/ on a protected webfolder cleanup leftover .htmlfiles set the taskmgr to run every 15 mins :) and this is how i get them presented:
did u even read my reply?
the only way PB could possibly cause any lag at all is by a wrongly configured AutoSS setup or a realy huge MD5tool check.. however there aren't that much things to check in fear as it has no CVAR's and no console :lol: you cant see if server streams to us in any other way, then by looking up the ip:port in our MSI
how do you foward pb logs
5chaap2k replied to TA-Ratster911's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
your server is streaming via REP atm. working fine.. be sure to use jpat to update :) -
how do you foward pb logs
5chaap2k replied to TA-Ratster911's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
- Logforwarding: You're streaming to pbbans, so there is no need to forward your logs, catches and violations are automaticly recorded and spread by the pbbans hub/rep - Screenshots: If enabled, screenshots will be saved in your servers /pb/svss/ folder - Screenshots setup example: Set the following in your /pb/pbsv.cfg pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 9999 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 800 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 60 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 2 //[Sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 30 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 999 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ssLogging 0 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_ssTimeout 0 //[Seconds] Dont know if u were asking a fourth question i cant really make much sence of your grammar. what is your original language? maybe someone else could translate for you :) -
5chaap2k replied to _TyIzaeL_'s topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
if the server is empty for a long time add this to your pbsv.cfg pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver it will send a heartbeat every 3600 sec's so it wont look like the server isn't streaming anymore :) welcome! and dynosaur tnx for helping him out! -
it's either the intro movie or the guy's using a monochrome monitor :lol: i'd go for the intro movie
I dont completely understand your situation.. are you running a dedicated server or just using the "ingame create server" button? if so is punkbuster enabled? without pb streaming wont work :) please let me know on wich part of the streaming guide u get stuck :)
also read this thread: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22591
in time... every 3 hrs if im correct :)
it's a bit double.. i should concider going for hub only :)
these signatures rock :)
added and streaming :lol: tnx 4 the subtile hints on irc guys!