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Everything posted by 5chaap2k

  1. this issue has been resolved with the new unofficial patch: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27972 or http://games.xs4all.nl
  2. this is resolved in the unofficial patch! more info: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27972 or http://games.xs4all.nl/news.php
  3. the first public version has been released!! get it here!! Click here to download from XS4ALL (Europe, Netherlands) Click here to download from Animals On the Run (USA, Phoenix)
  4. xs4all isn;t running it at the time being because it interrupted ingame downloads :)
  5. Case: Chenbro Gaming Bomb Processor: Intel® Core2Duo™ E6400 @ 2x 2.13GHz Memory: 2048MB DDR2-667 DualChannel Hard Drive: 250 GB SATA / 300 250 GB ATA/133 Video Card: ATI Radeon X1950Pro PCIe Monitor: IIyama ProLite E435S Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio input / Realtek HD Audio output Speakers/Headphones: Creative Inspire 5.1 surround Keyboard: Logitech G11 Gaming Keyboard (USB) Mouse: Logitech MX500 Mouse Surface: Q-pad Operating System: Windows XP Professional
  6. and yet another update on the same day! B)
  7. F.E.A.R. Master Config Index (MDL) updated May 30th 2007 http://www.pbbans.com/mci.php B)
  8. Source: Unofficial Patch discussion at the VU-Games forums Because of the lack of a new patch by Sierra/Monolith and the huge range of public/private cheats currently flooding the servers, a dedicated F.E.A.R. Player has started development of an unofficial patch. This patch will not need any clientside downloads, and the servers will not need to send any extra files to the clients. Servers will still show up as v1.08 servers. Click here to download the latest version (V1.1) Of the unofficial patch Hack and cheat fixes Fixes Non Admins Modifying Server Settings Fixes Non Admins Pausing Servers Fixed two bugs that could allow a player to force another player to commit suicide. Fixes 5 Exploits that allows players to instantly kill every player in the server. Fixes a bug that would allow someone to control other players guns. Fixed a bug that allowed a player to spawn ANY weapon or item. Fixed 2 Infinite Health Bugs There is one more, that I can see. Fixed a server crash exploit. Fixed Teleportation Hack Fixed a Logic issue that could allow a player to forcibly kick another player from a server. Fixed a bug that could allow a player to play animations on other players screens. Fixed a bug that could allow a player to make other players walk at very slow speeds. Fixed a bug that could allow a player to become invisible. Fixed a bug that could allow a player to go into god'ish mode. Added Speed Hack Detection Added a few checks for spread modifications. Added detection of a bug that if exploited could allow a player to fire faster than he is supposed to. Added code that will prevent vote spamming. Added code to detect and prevent a player from picking up an item from anywhere on the map. Flags/Armor/Health/Ammo/Weapons etc. Some cheats if detected will auto add an ip ban to the server for the offending player. Other cheats will result in a 5 minute temporary ban. Non hack additions and fixes Added admin command to pause and unpause server. Added admin command to teamswitch or slay players. Incorporates Botz3000 64 Player Addon (windows version only) NOTE!Does not add any downloads to the server! This includes the Botz3000 64 Player Addon (windows version only), and players will not receive a "Invalid Assets" message if they join another server after yours. Servers currently running this patch: - XS4ALL FEAR-CTF - (Amsterdam, Holland) EUR - XS4ALL FEAR-TDM - (Amsterdam, Holland) EUR - AoR Chicken N Beer DM - (Dallas, Texas) USA - Chemical Element PUB - (Dallas, Texas) USA Servers will be recognizable wearing the [sEC] tag behind the server's mapname!
  9. What are Locked Names? Locked names lets the serveradmin restrict who can use certain nicknames on his/her server I will use as example in this tutorial my own nickname "|5chaap2k" and "ADMIN", This is not the same as Registerred Tags and is FREE. Why should i use Locked names? Mainly two, and both related to lazyness :D 1st - For admin's you don't get people impersonating you on your own servers 2nd - For Casual players or clanmembers you'll know in one sight if it's really them swearing/cursing in your server without the need of checking their PBguids/IP's What information do I need?? You need the following information of the players u wish to protect by locking their names: - Ingame name/Alias. - Punkbuster Guid pb_myguid in console, or just look them up in the MPI4 if you're a Streaming Game Admin How to setup a server to use it? If you want to use Locked names on your server, you must edit pbsv.cfg with the following command: pb_sv_NameLock [GUID] [NAME] Where u replace [GUID] with your PBguid and [NAME] with the nickname/alias u wish to lock to it. Example of my namelocks (guids are fictional): // Locked names on this server pb_sv_namelock a211387836de22f472f488f436f329ba |5chaap2k pb_sv_namelock a211387836de22f472f488f436f329ba admin Save the config, and restart PB (pb_sv_restart) to make it active :)
  10. Hey Druid, in console enter these commands: pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart Wait 10 to 30 seconds for PB to restart pb_sv_USessionLimit 2 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_writecfg restart the server to check if the configurations remain after a restart pb_sv_uconlist should return this: source: http://www.fragvalley.nl/users/schaap2k/FearServerHowto/
  11. yep! check PM in a few secs :)
  12. Team account created: http://www.pbbans.com/account/ Server added to account but NOT streaming! Please configure your server correctly using these Rcon commands: pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart Wait 10 to 30 seconds for PB to restart pb_sv_USessionLimit 2 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_writecfg pb_sv_restart If you think the server is streaming let us know so we can upgrade your status to SGA and send you the welcome message with additional information :)
  13. Team account created: http://www.pbbans.com/account Server added and streaming! In the next request please us the correct formatting in the ip/port :) Check your PM and read it carefully :) Welcome to PBBans!
  14. Team account created! http://www.pbbans.com/account Server added and streaming! Please read your PM carefully, Welcome to PBBans!
  15. Account created! http://www.pbbans.com/account Server added and streaming to hub Please read the PM i sent you carefully. If you need help setting up the initial banlist or md5tool scans use the streaming game admin forums!
  16. Team account created, Server added and streaming to hub! Welcome to the Streaming Game Admins please read the pm i sent u carefully :)
  17. Clan/Group Tag: None Clan/Group/League Name: None Clan/Group/League Website: None please update your profile with this information :) Server is configured correctly and will be streaming as soon as you give us the needed information
  18. your fear server is streaming now, the BF2 server not :) pb_sv_update ... wait 30 seconds pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_restart ... wait 20 seconds pb_sv_task 50 3600 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_USessionLimit 2 pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans pb_sv_writecfg if it's a ranked server u might want to enable Enforce bans in your team account
  19. Your TeamAccount has been created, server is NOT configured properly please read the PM i'll send you in a minute carefully :)
  20. Please update your profile: CLICK HERE Clan/Group/League Name: None Clan/Group/League Website: None Game Server IP Address and Port: No Information Game Played: No Information Are you a Server Admin?: No Want to Stream to PBBans?: No
  21. Contact your spokesmen at I3D.nl and tell him you want to ba able to access the screenshots from your server from controllpanel or ftp. This shouldn't be a big issue because I3D is pretty nifty in coding such options :) If u want a laugh tell him i told you he can :lol: still got to drop by there for an XS4ALL ranked server.. :) i3d.nl office is a 10 min walk from here
  22. ill reset it for you :) your profile shows: david[at]l13studios[dowt]org[dowt]uk
  23. empty should be before add B) :lol: Example configs for fear: http://games.xs4all.nl/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2590
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