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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Your server's streaming again so you can now access the MCi.
  2. Happens ocasionally in my experience. The majority of cheats which go undetected get detected by PB in time ;)
  3. BF2 players: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5KPrFi1B11U&feature=related :D
  4. Once your servers are streaming, click that link and you can download it ;)
  5. Forum Francais: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=359 ;)
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php ;)
  7. It is indeed, judging from the error produced by X-Fire. However, the concern for you is to fix the crashes. The 'ignoring MD5 tool' kick is occuring as a result of your ET install crashing. The only thing I could find from EvenBalance themselves is this: However, I'm not entirely sure why this is occuring with your computer. Hop onto IRC and have a chat with some more experienced admins, and perhaps they can help you to solve your problem :)
  8. Up to the server admin :) Bans from other games aren't carried across by PbBans.
  9. It would appear that his ET is actually crashing (going off the errors shown by X-Fire). Since he will still show on the server as having a 999 ping (in reality he doesn't have ET open any more), he'll get the ignoring MD5 tool queries kick. If you don't have X-Fire running, I take it you get an error message and an option to send an error report?
  10. It's not a cheat, just a recommended cvar check. You don't have to run it if you don't want to. As for what it does, a person who plays COD 4 will need to answer that for you.
  11. I wouldn't recommend banning for black screenshots at all. Most of the time it will not be a hack or PBSS blocker.
  12. When using FireFox, the layout appears to be a bit jumbled when compared with Opera / IE. Display resoltion: 1024 x 768. Screenshot: Click Other than that this works perfect for me.
  13. The 'Ignoring MD5 tool queries' may well be irrelevant. If Enemy Territory crashes, you will still show as being on the server with a ping of 999 (lagged out). As such, PunkBuster will trigger a kick for 'ignoring MD5 tool queries' as it is not getting a response from you. Since it's a PunkBuster related dll crashing your ET installation, try starting with the basics and re-installing PunkBuster to see if that solves your issues.
  14. I believe he's just after an opinion, not an addition to the MBI ;)
  15. MBI = Master ban index, which is held here. Correct (if 'enforce bans' is checked of course ;))
  16. Under your account manager, uncheck "accept hub bans", and check "enforce bans". This leaves your ban list free for your local bans and bans from sites such as PsB. When a client connects to your server, their GUID is checked against the MBI. If they're on the MBI, they're kicked and banned from your server. So, a shorter, more efficient ban list, without compromise. Also, if you do this, there's no uploading ban lists via ftp :)
  17. You could create a cron job / scheduled task to download the svss folder to your remote web server, but that would probably be a bandwidth hog.
  18. Several servers are still running PunkBuster and it seems to be running relatively OK. The only problem is that clients with out-of-date PB files won't be able to update them and join your server. I've seen many servers disable PunkBuster to avoid this, but sadly it opens the game to more hackers :(
  19. Enter your server's IP address into the "Check Streaming Server" field on the pbbans.com homepage to check if your server is streaming successfully ;) Since you don't have streaming game admin status, I'm guessing you either are not streaming to PbBans, or another admin of your server is streaming it for you?
  20. True, but I think he's just after opinions :P Innocent IMO going off those screenshots.
  21. Is there a way to show the name I am currently using in-game in the HUB greetings? I sometimes change the colours of my name, and it would be nice if the HUB greeting reflected this. I have tried using $current_nick (I believe I found it somewhere on these forums), but that only prints '$current_nick' in-game. Thanks in advance, BlackWolf.
  22. Get them streaming their servers here. That way, they are able to access all the configs that will detect hacks which will otherwise be able to be used on PunkBuster enabled servers. Perhaps Benway can confim if these checks are included in the configs section currently. If they aren't, I daresay they will be soon :P
  23. F.E.A.R is no longer supported by PunkBuster. Try http://games.xs4all.nl/downloads.php?gt=31 That link comes courtesy of 5chaap2k
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