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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Can you please be more specific?
  2. Ask EvenBalance in your ticket to state that your ban for violation #70514 is a false positive. If you ask that question directly, they should get back to you with a direct answer. If they say that it is a false positive, your ban here will be lifted.
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php Click "Add Server".
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php ;)
  5. Should be fun if he knocks that drink over.
  6. Certainly possible I'd have thought :)
  7. You need to get the streaming game admin of the account to change it for you.
  8. The server the demo was taken on must be streaming to PBBans. If it is, contact the server admin, and get them to submit the demo through the correct methods. If the server is not streaming, a ban cannot be placed.
  9. Black screenshots are NOT proof of a hack. 8800 gfx cards are known to cause issues and return black screenshots. Your server, your rules, but banning for black screenshots is just going to be banning innocent players.
  10. pb_sv_ban 7
  11. Account CP > Edit Team Info. Account CP > Server Management.
  12. Top one's the Vista vs PB bug. It's taken a screenshot of his desktop. The second one's X-fire. Both clean.
  13. Patience ;) It will be reviewed shortly, after which you can check it's streaming status and adjust the flags if you so wish.
  14. That sort of thing happens in many online games. I find Enemy Territory to be one of the worst; I've been banned from over 20 servers in Enemy Territory for supposedly hacking, and I'm honestly not that good either. The sort of servers that are run like this will soon be empty.
  15. AFAIK there isn't an issue with PunkBuster in Enemy Territory. All major mods run fine with PunkBuster. Perhaps this problem lies with the mod developer ;)
  16. Forward a copy to [email protected] and a copy to for checks to be added to the Master Configs Index for streaming servers.
  17. Global GUID bans are issued directly by EvenBalance, and not by PBBans. You must submit a trouble ticket direct to EvenBalance in order to have your ban lifted. http://evenbalance.com/index.php?page=ttsy...hp&game=bf2
  18. Once you get your servers streaming, your forum account is automatically upgraded. If you do not have your servers streaming already, you must create an account here, and follow the streaming guide here to get them streaming.
  19. [rcon] pb_sv_plist
  20. I've seen this happen a lot. Executing it may well have sent it to all other contacts in your list too.
  21. /pb_myguid
  22. True story. On the whole, I find it tends to be the much more inexperienced admins which decide to issue kicks and bans left right and centre. Black screenshots are still misunderstood by a lot of server admins, and refuse to acknowledge the fact that bugs and certain hardware causes this. Their server, their rules I guess.
  23. Whilst you wait for an answer on IRC, what's the full command you're entering to add the UCON profile?
  24. Try following the streaming guide from start to finish one more time ;) http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide
  25. You must have your servers streaming in order for demos to be reviewed for addition to the MBi. If your server is streaming, get the account holder to submit the demo in the appropriate forum. Link.
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