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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. This is not a PBBans issue. The server admin has decided not to allow extended ASCII characters to be used in player names. Delete the ASCII characters from your name and you will be able to play again.
  2. PAT is still available, and so is jPAT :) Hardware bans are handled exclusively by EvenBalance. PBBans have no control over hardware bans
  3. Try a subnet ban. If that fails, firewall ban (I believe |>B<| servers are hosted on your own dedicated machines and not rented from a GSP?)
  4. Remember that you can still download a ban list from the MBi to use on your server if you so wish.
  5. The PBBans configs check for the existance of files known to be related to cheats (i.e. files created by cheats, or files which the cheat requires to be in your game directory). The bans are valid.
  6. Only EvenBalance can enforce hardware bans. It is not optional for server admins and therefore not an option available to PBBans. Current option is to use an external ban list (i.e. PunksBusted) and check the 'Enforce Bans' flag here. No duplicate entries in your ban list and full protection from PBBans.
  7. PBBans do not allow home servers to stream (read the Terms of Service).
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php
  9. You should only need to send the 7 rcon commands in the link Fozzer provided. If you are still experiencing problems, join our IRC channel (if you don't have an IRC client, just click here) and a staff member will assist you.
  10. As stated in my PM, linked GUIDs are not always reliable, particularly when the GUID has a vast amount IP addresses linked to it. It is up to the server admin whether they decide to ban you or not. Your GUID is not on the MBi, and we have not banned your current GUID here.
  11. Forward a copy of any cheats to for addition to the MCi. You can also send a copy of the cheat to [email protected]. RSS / XML feeds allow you to do this. The MCi is updated (where appropriate) when a cheat is sent in.
  12. Servers are approved relatively quickly. Hold tight and it will be added shortly.
  13. Clownbase is not supported by PBBans.
  14. Hardware bans are issued directly by EvenBalance. PBBans have no say in the matter.
  15. It's Foxdie :P And the program was called PAT (Java version was jPAT), which is a fantastic tool.
  16. If the server is streaming to PBBans.com (you can check using the search function on the PBBans.com homepage), send the demo to the server admin and they can submit the demo via the appropriate methods. The demo will then be added to the Master Ban Index. If the sever is not streaming here, we cannot do anything.
  17. Save pbbans.dat into your server's pb folder, then restart PunkBuster with the following command: pb_sv_restart You can also set up your servers to stream here, for massively increased protection against cheaters.
  18. http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=pbviols
  19. Custom welcome messages are offered as part of PBBans streaming. The messages are fully configurable, and are displayed upon a player connecting to your server.
  20. http://punkbuster.com/index.php?page=dl-sof2.php
  21. Fixed.
  22. Contact the server admin. Simply posting an IP address will not get a player placed on the MBi. Valid evidence must be presented, and streamed log data also streamed to us to back up the accusation.
  23. Contact the server admin.
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