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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=



    You need to be a streaming game admin. If your server already streams to PBBans, get the admin of the account to add you to it. You can then view your account statistics, and setup your signatures.
  2. My Controls > Personal Profile > Change Display Name.
  3. The group of server's he's referencing are in .6b.
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php View servers > edit flags.
  5. I know the exact hack you're talking about. Sending a copy to EB wouldn't do much good. It would be undetected again within hours, and you'd have wasted your money. Black screenshots are quite common, and a fair amount of screenshots on my server are black also. It seems to mainly always be people playing on Vista.
  6. 'fraid not. There was talk of adding LUA into etpub, but since they stopped development I'd say that's never going to happen.
  7. set d1 "set g_gametype 5 ; map mp_Ice; set nextmap vstr d1a; say ^2Round ^12 ^2of ^14^2. Next map is ^1mp_keep"
  8. Thank you. However, I'm not quite sure how the other member ended up as the master user since his user ID is higher than mine. Me: 107, 801 Him: 110, 570 Heh, as long as the issue is resolved.
  9. I added a user to my account a while back (forum user: 110570) and it would appear that he has become the master account user for my account (Acct ID: 409). I did not authorize him as the master user, so how have I lost full control over my own account? //EDIT Topic title should be "Incorrect master user". Typo.
  10. A ban for an MD5 tool violation means a file existed in the player's game folder which is associated with a cheat and is on the PBBans MCi.
  11. You need to be a streaming game admin to view it.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php
  13. Cheating in an online video game won't result in any action being taken. If they were to DDoS your host and they had valid proof, then action may be taken. Sadly, you're going to just have to find a successful way to ban him.
  14. I hope they start banning for cvar's (cheat related) again. They're a separate anti-cheat community, however, and I'll respect whatever judgment they make.
  15. They were enforcing CVAR bans for CoD4 only last time I checked. No other games though.


    You need to be a streaming game admin. If your server streams here, get the account holder to submit it. If you do not stream here, you cannot submit the PBSS.
  17. The simplest way to get your server streaming is via rcon. Give this a shot and you should be good to go: http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#rcon
  18. If you use the 'Accept Bans' flags in your account manager, you'll need to download a ban list first to keep all the caught hackers off your server. Click here. Alternatively, go to Account Manager > View Servers > Edit flags. Uncheck the 'Accept Bans' flags and check 'Enforce Bans'. This will check all connecting players GUID's against the MBi. If they are on the MBi, they will be kicked and banned from your server. Benefits: You don't need to have the player in your ban list for them to be kicked from your server, reducing server load and requiring a much shorter ban list.
  19. Last time I submitted a ticket, the reply time was 7 days.
  20. http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php Click 'Add Server'.
  21. Mine varies between languages, but as long as I get the e-mail, it's all good.
  22. pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pbbanshub, not pbbhub ;)
  23. They'd figure out how to upgrade eventually, but if a new player were to download ET, install it, and go to the server list, they'd most likely be confused as to what the problem is. Luckily with new games there's an auto-update feature eliminating the problem, and the age old discussion over players staying in older versions. I still personally don't see a problem with players staying in an older version of Enemy Territory if they enjoy doing so. I play 2.55 and 2.6b Enemy Territory. As long as I enjoy playing it, I'm happy. I do understand you point with RtCW, however. The lack of PunkBuster in 1.0 is a major downside and hacking there is, obviously, going to be much worse than in a version which has anti-cheat software included in it.
  24. I'm merely quoting the ToS. I'm not a staff member here and your suspension status has nothing to do with me.
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