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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Hackers probably won't install it :P
  2. Ugly colours :P
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php
  4. Xchat - you can get it free for Linux and uhhh....."free" for windows also.
  5. Submit a trouble ticket to EvenBalance: http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_t...php?game=bf2142 Get the player to include: - Player name - GUID (type '/pb_myguid' in console to get this) - FULL kick message received EvenBalance will the confirm if the violation is valid or not. If they say that the violation is valid, then your clan member cheated. If they say it was triggered in error, he is innocent.
  6. You need to have your own server streaming here to be able to set these greetings up, B!ndsa :)
  7. Enter this command in the in-game console: /pb_myguid Post the last 8 characters here.
  8. Topic split - please don't revive ancient threads on a completely different topic. Add this to your server's pbsv.cfg: pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub Restart pbsv.cfg (pb_sv_restart via rcon).
  9. Option 2 would not be a possibility since chats are not streamed to us.
  10. IP:Port? What is the response from pb_sv_uconlist?
  11. GUID?
  12. Tweaks will happen in all games. I play RtCW and ET, and use heavily modified configs (120 fov, mapoverbrightbits 3, intensity 1.5, pitch 0.0151). I don't consider them hacking. If you don't want players to use them, enforce CVAR restrictions. However, this is not an option in the Battlefield game series.
  13. Huge thanks to everyone who sent a donation in. PBBans wouldn't be where it is today without the continued support from everyone here :)
  14. Quake Wars is the same as Enemy Territory: Quake wars, so you can select that option :)
  15. In your pbsv.cfg, there will be the following: pb_Sv_SSPath "" That must remain as above. Don't include anything between the "". -------------------------- Your pb_Sv_SScmd is also incorrect. See Foxdie's example:
  16. pb_sv_sspath must still be left blank.
  17. You can dual stream to both PBBans and GV. If you are forced to stream to GV, you must use their configs to avoid your server being banned by them.
  18. It will be added shortly; you don't need to post for this stage to be completed :)
  19. I don't believe so, although I'm not 100% on that. Have you tried using a simple cron job?
  20. When are you executing the script? If you use it for PBSS, the appropriate line will cause it to be executed, whenever a PBSS is received. If you do it with this script, it will not. A cron job should do it thoug I'd assume. Foxdie will be the best person to check the script for you.
  21. It isn't intentional; just a minor downside to the scans which are currently proving incredibly successful in catching cheaters.
  22. I still personally don't find holding B and clicking my left mouse button that hard to be hoenst.
  23. Just for clarification, what do you class as cheating in single player? Using commands such as /god or cheat programs that have been downloaded from the net?
  24. He needs to buy a new copy of the game in order to obtain a new CD key.
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