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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Your streaming account is currently active. The head admin for your streaming account is Salem*AoD. You'll need to contact him, and he can allow you to login to manage your account :)
  2. Any input's welcome :) We just cannot implement this particular suggestion since we do not record location data within the ban lists.
  3. If the player raises a bannable violation when the server is streaming to PBBans.com, their GUID is added to the PBBans MBi (Master Ban Index), and the ban rolled out to all other streaming servers within seconds. If the player does not raise a bannable violation, you can submit other forums of evidence, such as PBSS, and demos*. * Demos are only accepted from supported games.
  4. Rename it to pbbans.dat, and place it in your server's pb folder. If you stream your servers here, they will be updated automatically, with no need for you to do anything to keep them up-to-date.
  5. Both are currently streaming.
  6. It's EA as far as I know. I'm afraid they just don't seem to care any more. They've got your money, and it looks like that's all that matters to them.
  7. I'll be sticking with Firefox, primarily because I like all the plugins and addons that I use.
  8. Getting bored of WWII games now, hence why I purchased Quake Wars. Time to get some more games set in a different time period.
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=67504
  10. Once you are streaming here, enable a feature in your account manager named "Enforce Bans" and disable "Accept Bans". How this works: Any player banned at PsB will be unable to join your server, since you will have used their Auto-MBL to update your server's ban list. Any player who is not banned by PsB, will be able to connect. When a player connects to your server successfully (i.e. not banned by PsB), the PBBans HUB will check their GUID against the PBBans ban list. If they are banned here, the PBBans HUB will kick the player from your server and add the ban to the ban list. You will never need to download a ban list from PBBans, or update it. The HUB takes care of everything for you.
  11. I can confirm that this GUID is globally banned by EvenBalance. The banned player will need to contact EvenBalance directly. They can do so by clicking here. They must ensure they include as much information as possible, including the exact, word-for-word kick message they are receiving, and their GUID.
  12. Stats padding and accounts stealing is beyond our control - we can do nothing about it. For issues such as this, you will need to contact EA. However, many players have done this, and EA really don't seem to care. I'm afraid we are unable to assist you further, but I wish you the best of luck in resolving the issue.
  13. Spoofed accounts are an EA issue, and it's about time EA actually did something about the mess that is BF2. Unless you yourself get caught cheating, you will NOT be banned by PBBans.com. However, we cannot deal with stolen accounts since it is beyond our control.
  14. Question: if cheat sites stated their cheats were detected, who would buy them? Case and point: one cheat site (you probably know which anyway) has a so-called 'detection tool' on their homepage which shows all cheats as being totally undetected. Yet, there is a forum section where players are discussing a cheat being detected for well over a month now. Summary: claims of cheats being undetected are mostly false :)
  15. If your server is waiting for approval, it will be approved shortly :)
  16. Stronger than ever :ok: Probably a fair few staff members you won't know (me included :P), but always nice to see an old staff member still around.
  17. Server is streaming.
  18. Yup, can't be cool without a photo :p

  19. The figures mean: - 5, 862 servers are added to the PBBans.com system - 5, 193 of those servers are correctly configured for streaming Note that PBBans do not guarantee to keep your servers totally free from cheaters, although our checks do go a long way to catch cheats which are natively undetected by PunkBuster.
  20. Only new accounts are posted by the bot. If you add another server, it will appear in the staff admin panel and will be approved shortly.
  21. A ban manager has lifted this ban.
  22. Ban is not valid and will be removed from the MBi.
  23. Forum status upgrade is automatic, although I've done it manually for you to speed up the process this time.
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