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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Placing the pbsv,cfg and pbucon.use files from here, into your server's pb folder using ftp is all you need to do. After you've done that, just restart pb ([/rcon] pb_sv_restart) and your server is ready to stream! Add the IP via your account manager to complete the process.
  2. It's a modified executable file. Join your server and use the following command: /pb_cvarval authname If it returns anything which is not precisely "cod4master.activision.com", it is a cracked server.
  3. Your server is not correctly configured. To help us solve this problem, can you tell us what the response to the following command is: pb_sv_uconlist The response should be similar (if not identical) to the following: If the response does not include any UCON profiles, your server is not configured to stream to us.
  4. Note that all false bans as a result of the "bad" config files were lifted. These, however, are valid.
  5. PunkBuster will not run under Wine. Games with native Linux ports work without any issues (RtCW, ET, ETQW etc).
  6. :huh: Blue screen of death = the blue screen you saw when your PC crashed. It is nothing to do with ET, and is entirely a problem with MS Windows.
  7. ETPub also has a rather nasty bug which causes XP to reset randomly for no reason at all. It's a major irritation.
  8. I'm not a fan of KDE myself. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, I just prefer Gnome :) I've come across a couple of bugs on my EEE PC (speakers crackle when muted), but nothing we can't live with.
  9. ETPub's also buggy as well as bloated in my experience. I stuck with 0.7.2 and use etadmin_mod for the sprees. Runs nice and smoothly :)
  10. The 'blue screen of death', all too commonly seen in Windows :(
  11. Winbloze ftw :P Never had it in ET myself, although it has happened in the past when just browsing the net. Shouldn't happen again I wouldn't have thought.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-8781f8ca-vb94270.html http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-809fe0ce-vb89160.html http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-e6843a60-vb83289.html http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b2c9eec1-vb83285.html Those are valid bans for several of your clan members. You'll need to remove the members from your clan before streaming can be resumed.
  13. Remember that ETPub is heavily customisable, and you can add spree sounds, dynamite timers, and many other features to it :)
  14. If the server is streaming to PBBans, submit the screenshots and they will be added to the ban list. If the server isn't streaming to PBBans, you can locally ban the player from your server only.
  15. It is a quote from a cheat site, not from a PBBans staff member.
  16. If it's in your account manager, you can delete it yourself :)
  17. You can delete servers that are in your account, via your account manager. Link.
  18. As before: Forum status updated.
  19. I'm afraid there isn't. Everyone's innocent until proven guilty here :)
  20. Forum account status is update automatically every so often. However, I'll manually update yours now to speed up the process.
  21. If you are running a Linux server, you can use Foxdie's script: #!/bin/bash FTP_SRV="" FTP_LOGIN="" FTP_PW="" REMOTE_DIR="." FN=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"\(\\/.*\\/\)"//` FULLFN_HTM=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"\([.]png\)"/.htm/` FN_HTM=`echo $FULLFN_HTM | sed -e s/"\(\\/.*\\/\)"//` SVSS=`echo $1 | sed -e s/"pb[0-9]\+[.]png"/pbsvss.htm/` ftp -np $FTP_SRV << END_SCRIPT quote USER $FTP_LOGIN quote PASS $FTP_PW binary cd $REMOTE_DIR put $1 $FN put $FULLFN_HTM $FN_HTM put $SVSS pbsvss.htm quit END_SCRIPT That will upload the screenshots, and pbsvss.htm to your web server, each time a screenshot is taken :)
  22. If your game server provider does not allow ftp access to your server, you can ask them to provide you with access to the server's pb folder. Alternatively, some hosts will provide you with a facility to simply view your server's PunkBuster screenshots.
  23. If a GUID is used to cheat, it gets added to the banlist. Simple.
  24. Most of the bugs will most likely be resolved in the retail release. As for pre-registered names, there's always someone who beats you to it :(
  25. http://www.ubuntu.com/ New Ubuntu's been released. Well worth the upgrade in my opinion :)
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