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-=Garbage DinGo=-

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Everything posted by -=Garbage DinGo=-

  1. Treading on very dodgy ground there DC. This has been a subject of conversation on my clan -=Garbage Animals=- forum a number of times and has been hotly debated. My answer to this would be no, you shouldn't try out hacks to see how they work. As an admin you can make demos of anyone you suspect of using a hack and submit them here for other admins to give their views on the demo. In my opinion to download a hack could be construed as an intention to use it.
  2. Thanks for the heads up AcE :)
  3. This site gets better all the time. Generating the Master Ban Index (Master Ban Index (MBI)) is a dream now. I'd like to thank all the staff here for the good work and effort they put in. Hey stymie, Bob's right you're a stats whore :lol:
  4. Yes it's a common problem or not depending on how you view it. I regularly get SS from other servers. PB requests a ss from a player who is leaving a server, the ss gets processed and redirected back to the server the player is currently playing on. No big deal really.
  5. It's ok no need to reply I just sussed it. set disable_pickup_backpack 0 as a command on each map in the cycle.
  6. When running my server with pickups disabled backpacks disappear from some of the maps but not others. I know this is normal but is there a way to enable backpacks on every map but still run no pickups?
  7. Wondered what was going on. Got my new server streaming a couple of days ago with no probs then now this :rolleyes:
  8. That's correct Depetris and I apologise to all if my post caused offence. I just felt that statements like "zero tolerance attitude towards cheating." could be taken for granted anyway as the ladder was being set up by one of our own. My post was badly worded, sorry.
  9. wtf is this all about? The reason I joined PBBans is because I don't tolerate cheats on my Server. BlackViper comes up with a good idea for a European ladder totally devoid from CB (very nice). Then the whole thread turns into how many cheats can I catch. I enjoy playing SoF2 but can't devote my whole life to catching cheats. The enjoyment of playing is the whole point of it, not I think that guy may be cheating. So carry on with your SoF2 ladder and have good scrims but please don't let the banning of cheats become the be all and end all.
  10. Would there be an RMG ladder included?
  11. Good to hear that BlackViper.
  12. Isn't that something to do with no recoil?
  13. Thanks Bob hadn't thought of that. We have 2 admins with ftp access to the server so are you saying that the file could have been saved as read only? Update Yup that sorted it out it was saved as a read only file. :oops:
  14. The other day I shut down sof2 on my rented server then restarted the game using Putty. Everything appeared to load as normal until I got this message. couldn't write sof2mp.cfg Everything seems to work as normal when I joined the server but messages like this bug me. A solution anyone please?
  15. Hey Mary nice to see you here m8. It's DooGie to you by the way lol. Sorry to go off topic but it had to be done. (Mary has been fraggin' my ass for years)
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