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Everything posted by RiskyBiskit

  1. LoL soz i have been out of it for a while .... i really need to catch up ;)
  2. Hardline Open Beta http://www.battlefield.com/hardline/news/battlefield-hardline-open-beta?om_u=2250863407&om_i=_BUysmFB8_EkZbW
  3. Good work Maydax, i/we appreciate all you are doing to keep online for the community. Thank's and Merry xmas to you and all staff at PBBans
  4. You know what, i really have to give credit to this guy, it turns out he was not hacking, and for him to stay as calm as he did is beyond me. If i ever got banned for hacking/cheating/interfering with PB when i haven't i just don't know if i could control myself like this guy has.. Hats off to you.
  5. Hi, thnx Maydax, but i don't mind waiting until attacks are over to lower security settings.
  6. Same results, i'm using J8 U25 on Fire Fox
  7. Chrome tbh i haven't tried another browser yet. Will try now and report back.
  8. I dont want to jack this thread but i have exactly the same problem, but i am a streaming server admin :) Using latest java and yes i have added pbbans on the exception list, restarted browser ect still no joy.
  9. LoL i like it, and i'm an English man, no offence taken................you horrible person :)
  10. Still no Gaming Deluxe :(
  11. Yes I seen it there first tbh but I assumed it just auto detected my OS and had given me appropriate version.
  12. Has anyone noticed the recent Blog found HERE regarding the Beta phase of BF4. They are requiring Beta testers to be on a 64-bit OS on PC. So for all of you on 32-bit then you better hurry up and get 64 installed :) Release date for closed beta is from the 1st of Oct then open beta from the 4th right through to the 15th of October
  13. I don't know if anyone picked up on this, but in that official battlelog post made by trydling he did say at end "We believe that these proven RSP’s will be able to offer global coverage of game servers." I can only assume by that they are only looking for that type of GSP that can offer servers globally. Can all the GSP's on that list provide that ?
  14. Here is mine. Test done during day time.
  15. Yes you got it Shake. I know its getting real old quickly but still makes me chuckle. It seems everyone is at it, even a coder over at IPB making a mod for IPB websites. Only seems to work with IE sorry. HERE scroll to bottom for those who haven't seen it and hit the Harlem Shake button :)
  16. I wonder how many teams will have banned players already on the MBI. Will be very interesting to see how it goes.
  17. A meteor shower hits Russia injuring over 900 people. READ MORE There will be another passing this evening around about 19:30 UK time.
  18. WoW all i can say to SSD's I have just purchased this lot...... ---------------------------------------------------------- 3GB XFX Radeon HD 7970 DD Edition Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP4-TH, Intel Z77 16GB (2x8GB) Corsair DDR3 Vengeance 650W EVGA SuperNova NEX Full Modular Intel Core i7 3770K,1155, Ivy Bridge 256GB OCZ Octane, 2.5" SSD, SATA III be quiet! Dark Rock 2 Dark CPU Cooler Cooler Master CM Storm Trooper Black Arctic Cooling MX-4 Thermal Compound ---------------------------------------------------------- I now have it all built and the SSD just kicks ass for speed to load windows from cold boot takes not long at all and infact it take me longer to type my password in for windows than it would to start (well sort of) :) i deffinatly would recommend you all get one and dump your spinning rust drives :) The one you see that i choose was SATA 3 the read speed was a little lower at 310MB/s as i was trying to stay within my budget of £1100 however i went a little over and it all came it at £1157 deliverd. but for approx £130-50 you could easily get a 256GB SATA 3 but with a better write speed of about 500MB/s and write speed of about 550 MB/s
  19. LoL look at the deddication of that fisherman as he still has hold of his rod (no pun intended) Its like a drunk man who falls over whilst holding a pint of beer and not spilling a drop :)
  20. Pffffft where are you getting these poor set ups from ? This IS my set up :) Still get a bit of lag on Caspian Boarder tho :( By far the best ......... No?
  21. WoW awsome, I use the Phillips AMBX lighting system to add some nice ambiant lighting to my gaming nights :) but this is just jaw dropping shiznit. I dont want to put a down on things tho, but i wondering if this will be restricted by PB as by the looks of things it can deffinatly give the user an advantage?
  22. People are bound to ask "How much is this going to be?" so i thought id do some digging around. Seems very resonable.
  23. Wow what a beautiful sound from such a small object :)
  24. Feel free to add me VTATyph00n ill give it a go with ya :)
  25. I think they should be added to the MBI if its a proven untamperd image and the logs are there for it.
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