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Everything posted by Big_Guy21

  1. Looks like you figured it out. *************************************************************** Team: special needs forces (-=SnF=-) Account ID: 9896 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) ***************************************************************
  2. If you are going to make a long post like that, PLEASE use some punctuation, paragraphs, and at least try to use some proper English. That post made my brain hurt trying to read it. And from what I gathered from your post: 1. Black PBSS are a bug with the punkbuster system caused by a combination of your hardware and operating system. Many times, turning anti-aliasing off will fix this problem (but not always). 2. You have no bans from PBBans on your GUID (at least that I can find). Any bans are local (from the server admin). 3. Someone "hacking" you is probably due to your computer being unsecure. Make sure you are using a firewall, and anti-virus/anti-spyware tools. Don't install any programs you don't trust. 4. With the internet these days, anybody can get your name/address/etc if you give them enough information to do so. Simple things like having your first name matched with a city you live in can get you a long way. 5. We do not ban people just because somebody says they are cheating/hacking/etc. We only apply bans based on solid evidence (aka punkbuster streamed logs). We only add bans based on evenbalance violations, punkbuster screenshots, and demos (for COD series).
  3. I like that idea, nice thinking.
  4. http://phogue.net/?page_id=389
  5. Not as much as bc2cc, but then again it can do more.
  6. Ya, I just updated and the app won't even start. So I highly doubt you are the only one. I have moved on to ProCon and bc2 guardian anyway.
  7. Its either First Sergeant OR Master Sergeant. If you didn't have all the requirements for First Sergeant when it was time to rank up, you go to Master Sergeant instead. Either way, your next rank is Sergent Major.
  8. Servers look to be streaming fine :D *************************************************************** Team: Hellenic Phalanx (|HEL-PX|) Account ID: 2798 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming)
  9. Ok, the issue has been resolved and there is no need for any more misunderstandings here. First off, the original issue is that someone had set up streaming to another site (TGL) and was seeing the ignored packets being sent from the TGL side of things. Nothing wrong with that. Same thing would happen here if a server was left on an account, but was then owned by a different clan who didn't set up streaming. PBBans hub would still try to send commands to the server that is registered with us and you would see an "PB UCON Packet Ignored 'pbbhub1'@iphere" on that server. Second, there is nothing fishy going on here. TGL is using a PBUCON setup, just like we do here, but calling it a "repository" which adds some confusion. Third, what Road is saying, is that if/when TGL is functioning, you will need to be in contact with him if you want to have league access here. (He is not saying that you need to contact us to setup/use UCON methods)
  10. Big_Guy21


    That would be a "Greeting" that you want removed. And done.
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-45c4c133-vb50033.html He would have never been able to get on the server if the server was streaming to PBBans. ;)
  12. PBBans configs would be written to the pbsv.cfg. From the attached image, you are using the join port (19680) for the auto hub setup rather than the RCON port. The default RCON port is 48888. Try that, if that doesn't work, ask your provider what the RCON port is.
  13. Unless you live in Morocco, your cd-key has been stolen and someone got it banned. You will need to buy a new copy of the game if you wish to play on PBBans (or GGC) streaming servers again. Before you install a new copy of the game, make sure that your PC is free of rank hacks, malware, and spyware. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-23ce6b3e-vb163391.html
  14. Thanks for all the hard work you do here Maydax. Thanks to all the staff past and present who have made this quite the place to volunteer for. And not to forget those SGA's, thanks for supporting us and offering your guys expertise as well.
  15. Your application has not been processed yet. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/legion-of-doom-lod-t115735.html
  16. Here is a PBSS guide on setting up and taking punkbuster screenshots: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbssguide.html As for viewing them, your provider may have access to the svss folder on the server through a control panel, or usually you can ask them to set up a webhost to view them from.
  17. Make sure you have the right port. If it is wrong, delete the server with wrong info and re-add. BC2 Multiplay.co.uk :: The Pirates Rush Only Server Join 0/24 Levels/MP_012GR http://www.gametracker.com/search/?query=
  18. Well as of right now, I do not believe that it has been announced that PB will be in BF1943. If it is however, I don't see much of a chance of it being supported here if there are no public server files after the "fun" we have had with BFBC2. However, that is MaydaX's area to give you solid answers for.
  19. Well if you aren't using bc2 guardian (http://g4g.pl/bc2guardian), I would recommend it. The latest update allows the capability to grab the GUID of anyone on the server and you can then use that to do a pb_sv_banguid and get rid of them that way. I'm pretty sure the latest version of bc2 guardian also properly saves and loads the ban list (names and IPs) on restart. Only way to remove a single ban though from that is to clear the whole ban list unfortunately. As for any PBBans messages, welcome messages/greetings and scrolling messages do not work right now because punkbuster can't interact fully with RCON right now. This may change in the future.
  20. Nothing we can do. Report him to EA. We only add bans based on valid streamed evidence (Evenbalance violations, pbss, md5 checks). By staying away from PB servers, he pretty easily avoids a ban from us.
  21. First of all, your second account on the forums has been deactivated. Use the snilloconator (which is tied to a team account) to post. Second, the server you listed is added under your team account as I doubt this is the port you wanted. Delete the IP there now and add your server again with the correct port. Then you can check to see if it is streaming. If not, hop on IRC and ask for some help.
  22. Delete the server from your team account and re-add with the correct information.
  23. Make sure you are using the right IP and port for your server (on your team account). Enable client logging and join your server and you can retrieve from there: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html We have seen issues with MyIS servers not binding to the right IP and port and changing each time the server is restarted.
  24. Don't see that server IP on our blacklist. Try again.
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