It wasn't directed at you, it was a broad statement on what normally goes on when cheaters feel hard done by, not as if it was a mistake in what they were doing, they purchase the cheat, download the cheat, use the cheat to grant themselves epeen wank factor in servers and also use it to disrupt the legally playing players in the server who play the game as it is intended to be played on the servers.
So it's still simple if you cheat and burn one GUID in one game and future games tough, EA will always make money regardless of how many copies get refunded if the GUID's are the same, like it's been mention you can create a new account how do you think STEAM games work and there cheaters.
If the GUID's are the same in BF4 it will no doubt catch the DUMB cheaters as they have shit for brains in the first place which is all good by me. :fryingpan:
Just had to edit my post to underline a certain line to prove my point seeing HSMagnet added a post while I was typing. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA