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Everything posted by -Slayer-

  1. Got the latest one and started from scratch also. Is there a colours.csv we can import into the program to use in it to test with, may as well be trying to catch them while testing it. edit: I noticed the program is A LOT faster than the previous version. the 40 threads is that refering to CPU or something else. 12:52:28 Downloading 2000~ Files (40 threads) 12:56:06 Downloads Finished In: 218427 ms 12:56:06 Reading Dir... 12:56:06 Finished Reading Dir...(2000 PNGs) 12:56:06 Scanning: 2000 file(s) Cheat Colour List: Global 12:56:16 Scanning Finished In: 9890 ms 12:56:16 Done! Total Time Taken: 230955 ms Only using two colours at present, I was using Color Spy 3.0 to pick colours with known cheat pbss and testing them.
  2. Oops re read op post, my bad I must have read it and not taken it in properly. Thanks for the link. edit: Yep that fixed it. :brownbag:
  3. Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. This is the version when I go control panel open Java click about. Version 7 Update 60 (build 1.7.0_60-b19) This is when you go through the browser and click addons and click check to see if your plugins are up to date. Java™ Platform SE 7 U60Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.60.2 for Mozilla browsers Up to Date edit: This from the download folder. jre-7u60-windows-i586.exe jre-7u60-windows-x64.exe
  4. Went to look at yours and double clicking the app.jar returns this error. A Java Exception has occurred I have latest java installed on the computer so not sure why the error. Yes the PBSS.db is in the same folder, to save you asking. :)
  5. Nice, project back on the go.
  6. *sigh* Oh well it will get the ban wave going, one player done on our servers by PBBans streaming only had the account active for 15 minutes. I wonder how many times BF3 will be downloaded by each player.
  7. That read was comedy GOLD.
  8. Yep, our RO2 admins have their ban hammer ready for the tard invasion just incase it goes like back in the BF2 days with the get ya free copy of BF2 with your pizza. :(
  9. Posted here to. :)
  10. Origin price gouging as usual, the exchange rate is $1.00 US to my $1.07 AU yeah slight difference. :( I even logged in to see if it helped, nope still $102.18. #@&$%
  11. Battlefield 4™ and Premium Membership Bundle PC Download $102.18 $139.98 Haha I only paid $105.00 for the same thing around launch time of BF4, considering other places are selling the lot now for around $75.00 to $80.00. There's some nights I wish I hadn't but I have a love hate relationship with BF4. If you know what other places sell the games for and do the research first you might find something on there for cheap.
  12. .................. :facepalm: Just another thing to drive us crazy. p.s good one origin, give up trying to play on the internet and hand all your games over to steam, you fail over and over with trying to wear the bigboy pants. Not much good changing any info unless the security hole is closed to stop it. I'm gunna change all mine to this.. :P :popcorn_cat:
  13. Cool.
  14. Thanks for that I see that player was on last night, it's good to see that PBSS does actually catch then now and then though with the advancements of PB Blockers I put it down to they are the really DUMB cheaters who don't know how to configure the cheat properly, though it's always good feeling to see a PBSS one caught now and then.
  15. Are your 92 cheat colours similar or same type of paste in setup to this post with those colour codes for BF3, did it take long to work out the colour codes for BF4? I reckon with BF4 there is a huge spectrum of colours in the games PBSS compared to previous Battlefield games which would make it even more difficult to work with. :crazy: How do you get PBSS Collector to scan a folder already on a computer?
  16. So does that look for colours or do you do it manually, hope not we all need a life and that's a lot of screenies. :P So what's being worked on and developed is that similar to PBSSC 3.0.0a3b and I have another one sitting on my computer PBSViewer_2.3.0.0 I've had a mess around with them ages ago.
  17. He could have passed at anytime but decided to sit behind her and try and intimidate her. I gotta wonder though would the tool have done that if it was a 6'4 guy built like a brick shithouse sitting in a vehicle as big as his with maybe Hells angels or some other bikie patch on the back tailgate I'd say No, so the moron got what he deserved picking on the woman like that, and he wasn't right up her rear end, didn't see the speed they were travelling at though, was that in mph. The few times I've had that done to myself I've slowed down to encourage them to pass being duel lanes and all, (likewise turning up ahead so in correct lane) if they don't then yep we gotta a moron behind, I speed up again to sit back at the speed limit if they still won't pass or sit up my rear further so I can't see there headlights I slow down again as I touch the brake pedal to just light up the brake lights without them activating, that's when you see them shit themselves and then go around you because they have just worked out you are more mental than them and don't want to risk tangling with a vehicle that looks like it's been through hell and back and a driver who doesn't care for there crap. miss my old mad max style 4WD :P
  18. Yes, we auto stream the BF4 servers through GameTracker. I tried to do the same with our 27 BF3 servers but the box's we run them on are locked down tighter than a fish's........ you get the idea, I needed to get IP's white listed within the firewall with our internal tech guys to stream to Gametracker, but never got around to doing the BF3 ones.
  19. Sounds like an awesome idea, I'd love to be able to scan our servers but 46 BF4 servers is a mind **** to be going through all those auto screen shots manually.
  20. That's what a tool.
  21. -Slayer-

    Speed Test

    I'm more impressed with the upload, internet in Australia SUCKS after seeing some results in this thread.
  22. That's good news, maybe this might happen with TitanFall then a late inclusion. Hopfully not go down this path and only use FairFight alone..
  23. It's not even April 1st yet, getting an early start. :P If it does turn out to be real which I highly doubt, I've only got one thing for EA/Dice.
  24. It never will so don't get your hopes up. Though it's not rocket science it's a simple formula: install game, play clean/don't cheat = clean history NO BAN! I like the cross game bans, like you pipes1 should be more of it across other games, it's taken all this time to come up to similar systems like what steam use across multiple games.
  25. Looks interesting but damn I have too many games to play now let alone add another. :crazy:
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