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Everything posted by -Slayer-

  1. Huh Battlefield 1, did Microsoft suddenly buy into the BF franchise, Xbox 360 --> then Xbox 1 oops I meant One.
  2. That sums it up. :D :lol:
  3. clipboard for the win. I hope it's awesome like previous titles, own all the Borderlands series and DLC.
  4. Looks awesome can't wait. Might have to watch it in slow motion to make it last longer. :P
  5. Oh, a teaser trailer of an upcoming trailer release June 12. :P
  6. https://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html .
  7. Could it be your server providers system is over writing the pbsv.cfg each day? or possibly deleting the pbucon.use file. You could also try this from the bottom of the server setup if the server is empty for awhile. To setup your server files via FTP if you have the access. https://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#ftp
  8. Works well, thumbs up from me, it will help the public, I like how it hides the users join info from the rest of the normal channel users. (I use mIRC it needs timers and scripts to do it)
  9. I figured that, though it had me doing a double take thinking I didn't click the submit button on my post. :blink: :)
  10. Global bans are game specific.
  11. Yeah the post times are the same Posted Today, 06:37 PM :D
  12. It just means it found something that's either game related that it doesn't understand or in other cases it did find something, it's just their so an admin can pay more attention to those PBSS when using a human eye to look them over. Damn beaten by surfy by that much. :P Punkbuster Global bans are also game specific, in other words a Global ban in BF3 stops that GUID from entering BF3 servers where the same GUID in BF4 is free to play on BF4 servers, yes it's silly but how the system works.
  13. I'm seeing double, two posts in different sections of forums. :huh:
  14. Haha beaten to it by HSMagnet, had the same thought seeing it in email.
  15. That's low, message of the day: Never except stuff from unknowns. :ph34r:
  16. Your server is streaming, you can see for yourself via this link which you can access in your AccCP at the top of the forum page.
  17. If you have FTP access to the server logs download the last couple of days and search for your name it should show you what you are after.
  18. Go to this link and then click the (E) button (edit server) on the right next to the server. Place a tick in the Enable Personal Greetings Then click on Edit Flags to apply it. Then you need to go back into the server you just edited and add the join message. Go to bottom of the page and you will see this box section, add the format and message. ========================== Join Greeting is a message that is sent to your server when a player joins. To display their name use $CURRENT_NICK To display their PB GUID (Last 8) use $PLAYER_GUID To display their country use $PLAYER_COUNTRY Example: Welcome $CURRENT_NICK ($PLAYER_GUID) from $PLAYER_COUNTRY to our server. This message will be displayed on this server only. If you wish to disable enter a blank greeting. ========================= After adding the message format you want then click on the Save Join Greeting button to apply it.
  19. Where's Bill Murray, for some reason it just goes together with Groundhog Day. :P
  20. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they got what they deserved cheating scum. Better hand them a tissue.
  21. Thanks for sharing, it might help others out there in your situation to avoid higher than they should be paying costs. Though they also have to read over here at PBBans.
  22. Wow $5.00 for Battlefield Hardline, not to mention the rest. :lol: The ones who bought Battlefield Hardline for over $100.00 be warned DO NOT READ the forums at breakfast time, or at anytime while eating.
  23. Stay safe everyone, we want to see you on the flip side.
  24. Shhhh.
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