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Everything posted by -Slayer-

  1. Wow that makes my HFC connection at 283 - 51 megabits look like dial up. :blink:
  2. You only have one ticket Posted Oct 2, 2016 - 08:37 PM I can see and it was two days ago. Which has been replied to, admins have real lives and do try and answer promptly where possible.
  3. Welcome to PBBans also we're not Punkbuster. As far as being banned you mean this player https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-407496.html yes the player is banned. One thing to note we never work from video footage. We are PBBans not Punkbuster, EvenBalance are the creators of Punkbuster. If you feel that strongly about the player submit the video to the servers it was recorded on, or a better option is to play on a server that streams to PBBans and you'll never have to worry about that player again on that GUID. You can see here http://metabans.com/player?i=R7vX the player is banned from quite a few servers on Metabans, I'd say the servers you are playing on either don't care or the player has a new GUID, without doing a google search I'd say the player would be known to a few out there.
  4. I'm loving it now I've gotten use to it's settings and menu's, twitch is streaming on the fly now no need to get out of game anymore with the steam style overlay menu to click which option you want. Also just went into where the video's sit and I see my screen shots from tonight, (was wondering if it worked) so unless you choose to upload your pictures to 'google pics' or 'imgur' it saves them by default into the same video folder for the game you're playing. So I'm quite happy with my GeForce Experience.
  5. Not sure if this helps you out for your situation found it amongst one of the links you posted xX_Renegade_Xx I downloaded it just in-case I can't get my problem worked out, did a scan. . Here's a picture after I ran it on my second computer. Still using the latest update on the game computer and quite liking it now after a reboot and worked out all the menu's. All they need to do is add the option to save screen shots to your PC and it'll be the ducks nuts. So in this thread I've gone from what the hell are they thinking, to hmm I really like it.
  6. Yes it had a major UI upgrade I can see the end results they were going for but compared to how it was it's like they threw all the bits at the screen and where they landed they stuck, so still working out where to find things, I think I've pretty much worked it out but damn first look into the menus and where they renamed and moved stuff around was a nightmare compared to the old ShadowPlay interface. Still haven't been able to get twitch to fire up it starts then throws the message it's stopping again, I'm hoping the reboot after updating will fix it just got to get the time to do some more testing.
  7. I've got to admit after messing with ShadowPlay for awhile I'm starting to get use to it, (damn I hate major UI update changes) I can see why they did ShadowPlay like they have now, I like the overlay you can bring up while in game to switch between ShadowPlay settings on the fly which I think is awesome I can now switch between recording to my computer or switch it to my twitch stream.. The only thing I've found so far is they need to give the option to save screenshots to the PC. They need to give us back the time you can set for it to buffer it's 5 minutes by default. Still debugging ShadowPlay and my brain with this major interface update. :blink:
  8. Too late I did mine earlier and it's a pain in the arse now, you need to click through what seems a million menu windows to get where you want instead of how you did it in the the old shadowplay with just a couple of clicks, that was also compact and well just better and more user friendly. I see it offers screen shots now but you cannot save them to your computer you must upload them to google pics or imgur. while in the settings it puts an overlay full screen so you can't click anything else (unless you close it) if you did need to check something, I had a second task bar so it didn't stop me.
  9. I've stocked up on :popcorn_cat: to sit back in my comfy chair with feet up relaxing while listening to all the players complain in forums about cheaters in the servers, while abusing the supposed admins of the servers like players do now but it will be a lot worse and players not realising their is only one admin to rule them all, it's called fairfight which is also a bit hard to yell obscenitys at because a script doesn't care. :P At least they wont get kicked for those obscenitys. Time will tell how the final game structure will look like from Dice but at this stage it does not look good for any would be server admin out there. All I see is a win win for cheaters.
  10. That looks good, it was a great game.
  11. I wont even waste 3.5 minutes of my time to even download the 7.2 gig cheatafield beta, that's how steadfast in my resolution I am.
  12. Out of all the servers I still have four servers running BC2 and get players on them now and then. I'll be very interested to how popular this will be when all the facts are laid on the table about how this game will effect everyone. @DR@G()N lol at battle pack comment *sarcasm* and then it'll be full of something really useful. */sarcasm*
  13. Yep, Coming Soon. .
  14. Nice, thanks. If BF1 goes with Punkbuster do you have thoughts about a standalone scanner, or will BF1 just be incorporated into the current scanner and added in a future update.
  15. Hello, I see the player has appealed and it was denied. PT_Profaci https://www.pbbans.com/mbi-view-ban-395628.html . Evenbalance are the creators of punkbuster, the software which scans your game files while you are playing. PBBans enforces Evenbalance violations as bans. The violation was raised by them, the ban is issued by us. I've looked at the appeal PT_Profaci raised with Evenbalance and they've given their standard response when they feel the violation is legitimate. I would however, advise PT_Profaci strongly to provide them with a list of ANY processes which may have been running in the background when the violation was raised. Also be aware that violations are not raised on a singular trigger. Evenbalance often runs silent detections before the actual violation is issued. So it's fair to say whatever caused the violation to be raised, was being run on several occasions. Did PT_Profaci download something recently? Something which may have been running in the background. Innocuous or not, it is worth relating that to Evenbalance. To sum it up. . . Our discretion is to never remove a valid violation. If Even Balance staff say that the cheat violation was triggered in error, the issued ban will be removed from our systems immediately. If Even Balance staff say the cheat violation was not triggered in error, the issued ban will remain on our systems. Try what I suggested in the start of my post in bold and go from their it's all I can suggest, sorry. ---------------------------- For your second question. Yes there are consequences if your Clan/Group stream here at PBBans, we have a ZERO tolerance to Clans/Groups Harbouring Cheaters. To sum it up if you have a player in your Clan/Group and also stream to PBBans then kick them to the curb. I hope that helps you decide your course of action. edit: I see you have submitted an application to stream here at PBBans, until you cut all ties with the player with the MBi you will not be able to stream an account here.
  16. Not sure if I should post an image from the kat home page I was shown. Enough flashy badges.
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *cough* I mean good, damn pirates just because they can't afford or get content in their own Country or at an affordable price because of price gouging, some feel the need to borrow it to test it out and see if it's worth it. :P
  18. The game does look nice it seems to be a more slowed down game play (which is nice), doesn't seem to be as fast paced like BF3 BF4's run and gun and fast moving vehicles. Battlefield1 sort of reminds me a little of Call of Duty United Offensive but with an awesome makeover.
  19. Interesting, another ploy to get people onto windows 10, I'd say lot of gamers would find that handy.
  20. Will look into it when it's out looks good, played the original Prey and it was good for it's time.
  21. How did you fix it?
  22. Nice I'll have one,(for free) it should make other cards cheaper bumping everything down a notch.
  23. Thanks Singh400 for the explanation and screen shots, same principle in Firefox the little information symbol in the same spot.
  24. Ah ok it let me in after putting in the username that I was currently logged into GT with while manually viewing the PBSS. Where do you view the cookie values, I store my cookies for GT. Is this what you mean by user agent, I just pasted the below in and it worked even though I'm on Firefox 46.0.1 Firefox User Agent Strings Firefox Click on any string to get more details Firefox 40.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1 So I did get the Cf_clearance right from the cookie on my computer. Thanks for replying so fast.
  25. Is anyone having trouble when going to Fetch Game IDs from Gametracker because of the Cf_clearance value: is not set? If you are go into where ever your cookies are stored for your browser for firefox about:preferences#privacy click on remove individual cookies. Once you are in the Cookies window type in the box Gametracker you should see all the cookies for GT, find the Cf_clearance one click it you'll see info in the bottom box copy the Content string line of numbers and paste it into your PBSS scanner in the box Cf_clearance value:. (Note: to copy the info into the each box of the PBSS scanner use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V) For the User agent: box that is whatever your username is to log into Gametracker. edit: Fixed my post so not to confuse others. Singh400 explained the correct method further down.
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