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Everything posted by BOTA:X

  1. Recursion
  2. It looks like they changed the page you linked to. I tried to enter the Gaming Event give away, since I played on their server earlier tonight. Turns out since I have a colon in my BFBC2 name, and their forum doesn't allow that, I can't enter. Bummer.
  3. SEX
  4. Overclockers
  5. Options
  6. Arms
  7. Yes, Activision, that's just what I want to do. Unhook my computer from a 1900x1200, nice monitor, and take it downstairs to hook up to the TV, which is 1080 at best, and all the way across the room. While I'm at it, why don't you make some stupid wireless controller with a joystick so I can play FPS games like a flight sim. While I see how creating a gaming network of small, upgradable mini-PCs that have upgradable, certified hardware to make games easier to write for them, in the end it would smother innovation. Call me a dinosaur but I'll stick to PC gaming until it's just not fun any more.
  8. BOTA:X


    It got buffed in the last patch. I like it because it requires more skill than the 40mm grenade but can be just as damaging.
  9. BOTA:X


    I haven't been using my knife much because the 40mm shotgun is just too much fun.
  10. BOTA:X


    All that matters is W/L Ratio ;)
  11. The button should say "Feeling Lucky?"
  12. I've taken to electing a certain color for anything critical. I use yellow to interconnect between switches and Red to go from the switch, to the firewall, to the uplink to the fiber optic. Even if I come in drunk on a weekend I know not to unplug something red! ;)
  13. I'll have to experiment with that. It would be nice if you could get 10 people to do pb_kick to get rid of a blatant cheater if everyone has a pb_power of 1. Stupid DICE forgot the votekick.
  14. Unfortunately there's no console. Commands are typically issued through an outside Rcon program, or with a plugin that monitors the chat messages for commands from certain players.
  15. PB Power is useless in BC2 because users cannot issue rcon commands in game.
  16. Congrats on the new job, how big of an office do you support? When I started here, the Primary domain controller was MIA, never found that thing. The BDC was online though, but it was sitting in the middle of a server rack WITHOUT rack rails on it. Someone had just set it on top of an UPS with a little pink peice of padding between them. The wireless network was secured with WEP. The internet access was just a T1. The CEO's laptop had a 5400 rpm harddrive and was running Vista, so it took 15 minutes to boot. The server room did not have a dedicated A/C, it had a fan that blew 90 degree air into the plenum space. It's a small branch of a large company so all of this crap needed to be done professionally, but my predecessor was an old guy that had worked here forever so no one made him do shit. Until the CEO with the vista laptop fired him.
  17. I'm not sure you can physically fit enough computers within 100m radius to use all those cable drops!
  18. Seriously? You have four 24 port patch panels and your server room is on wheels? Ouch.
  19. Ah, gotcha. Yah I didn't want to login as that logs out my PC iirc.
  20. Looks good and is very efficient on my blackberry! Except the emoticons show up as full URLs... but that's probably because other inline images don't load automatically.
  21. None of what you just said makes any sense. can i have some weed?
  22. Click your name in the top right.
  23. Goodnight, sweet prince.
  24. Trace that IP! Wait, is that a camera in the same subnet? Tap into that. OK, now zoom in and enhance. OK now rotate the camera around the room and uncrop. Thats it, theres our killer!
  25. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/forum-francais-f359.html
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