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Everything posted by BOTA:X

  1. No joke that's how the Russians have fixed oil spills in the past. Worked 4 out of 5 times!
  2. That reminds me.. what ever they did to the knife, CHANGE IT BACK. Thanks.
  3. No, I just laugh internally at the people who believe in ghosts. WTF is a "foreign religion" anyway?
  4. http://thesaurus.com/browse/kill
  5. I see your point. However I think you will find that most AC admins will be able to see it wasn't you. PBBans records the IP address of everyone who uses a GUID on their servers, and we would be able to see if it was triggered by someone else. In most "stolen key" situations it is very obvious because you will see IPs of completely different countries than the original user, and the violation that triggered the ban is probably not that of the real user. In which case he would need to buy a new CD key, but his reputation would be intact, even if it had little spot on it. In the case of a serial number being leaked and being proactively banned, I think you will find this is something that EvenBalance presents as a selling point to the game publisher. Gaming companies don't care as much about cheating as they do piracy, so you have to give them some sort of incentive to go with their Punkbuster product. As far as we care it at least proactively prevents some cheating because quite frankly, if a key is public it is going to be cheated with before long.
  6. If a serial is leaked and used for cheating, it will be banned. It is not possible to allow you to use it and someone else not to. If your credit card number was posted on some "lists" your bank would not allow you to keep it active, even if it inconvenienced you.
  7. The result of the ban is that people are kicked. What the hell do you want done differently? :blink:
  8. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqQsIzvoNok[/media Try that but add the final ]
  9. ...but the black helicopters are real.
  10. You come off as paranoid. No one hacked into your computer. If your CD key was stolen either someone you don't know got lucky with a key generator, or more likely you used a program that grabbed it out of your registry and submitted it to a website. Such programs are usually disguised as optimizers, launchers, or.... get ready for this irony... key generators.
  11. Even though you are not streaming you can still download the ban list. Just save it on your server. This can create some confusion in regards to managing personal bans, but is still doable.
  12. 21 foot rule. ;)
  13. ^ Gotta love that nade coming in. I usually run through and knife 1 or 2 and then duck behind the rock for more to come back. If your friendlies snipers piss you off, shoot them in the face with a DART. They'll have a flashing red thing in their face for 45 seconds.
  14. He has a point.... My opinion is if they're hacking in non-PB servers then they should stay there. His being banned on PBBans streaming servers shouldn't affect him if he really wants to play in non-PB servers. Now wait until they require PB for ranked servers again.
  15. Incorrect. If punkbuster is enabled normally with a PB_SV_Enable in the main ini file it will stay on everytime you start the server unless that file is modified. Simply changing a server variable at run time will have no effect on the next startup as that variable isn't persistent.
  16. Almost as scary as "Beiber or Die"
  17. Bah, the one forum I didn't check.
  18. You got me...kinda. By the wording I thought you got hacked or someone hijacked the domain name and pointed it to another server.
  19. You sure about that?
  20. Also if you're in a supported league they can stream it for you IIRC.
  21. You should never pre-pay for servers more than a month or two, as this can happen.
  22. So have the admin demo him.
  23. Didn't they release that game for free? Whats the point of banning hackers if they can rejoin with infinite cd keys?
  24. Thats a common bug. Ask yourself.... if my screen looked like this, would it be an advantage?
  25. Vista + AA can cause that too. Funny though, no matter what OS people play on they still manage to take their own screenshots.
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