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Everything posted by BOTA:X

  1. If he has the same IP and GUID as someone else who plays, he was either the hacker or he knew the other guy was. Either way toss him.
  2. If that's an ATI card you will need to set the Mipmap Detail to "Quality" in the ***-** Control Center.
  3. You won't be able to stream a LAN server here, but I think you have it easier on a LAN. Just walk up behind and watch what they're doing :)
  4. If anything it's client side, kinda like the waypointicon. I really don't see the point.
  5. It could be any API that PB doesn't recognise. If you're on Windows 7 BETA you'll get kicked guaranteed.
  6. I believe you have that backwards. You could always change the FOV but everytime you respawned it would revert to 65. As of patch 1.2, if you change the FOV it remembers it correctly. How the hell is changing a user cvar an unfair advantage? Theres a trade offs with a higher FOV, you can't see as far. That's like saying changing any graphics setting like your resolution or detail is an unfair advantage. Because you fear that which you do not understand. Read the patch notes for 1.2 if you don't think it was meant to be changed.
  7. Set it to append.
  8. How can I put this delicately.... ever been to Poland?
  9. PBBans: A resource for all types of information.
  10. I have a solution to that but you wouldn't want to hear it.
  11. The problem is your friend and a cheater both know his serial number, which is used to compute the GUID. If they unban one of them, both are unbanned. It's likely your friend downloaded a program to "optimize" cod4 or something. Also, never ever have someone create a rank file for you because it requires they have your serial number. I'd be that's how most cheaters get new GUIDs and normal players get theirs stolen.
  12. That is a very useful and under used feature.
  13. EA had to lay off over a thousand people, but so far the project doesn't seem to have been axed.
  14. It should only kick if they have the macro software installed, PB doesn't scan your USB bus. :)
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=68721
  16. Have you tried starting Punkbuster B manually? What operating systems?
  17. Until the guy that the screenshot in question was taken from shows up and says "Yah it was me I did it"
  18. Since when did pbkicks and pb_plist not show GUID? Must be a cod2 thing.
  19. Just watch :rolleyes:
  20. And this ^ is why we only accept streamed evidence, not testimony. ;)
  21. He didn't know the secret handshake.
  22. He's probably trying to stop the magic 125... BTW your monitor probably only refreshes at 60hz anyway.
  23. I had no problems with PB and it was a decent voice client, but there was no commercial place to rent a Mumble server. The murmur server is easy to setup if you have a server though.
  24. How the hell did he change his GUID... wow...
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