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Everything posted by EvilJohn

  1. "I have just returned from visiting the Marines at the front, and there is not a finer fighting organization in the world." (General Douglas MacArthur, USA, outskirts of Seoul, 21 September 1950.)

    God Bless you!

  2. Web site looks good. But it lacks one thing. One of those sexy PBBans banners on the homepage. Listing how many servers are streaming, and the latest bans. :P
  3. My forums are viewable also. But posting is only done by registered users. Put the wife on this problem. If she can't fix it, its the free forums your using. But that would surprises me. Because they want all those advertisements to be seen in the forums. :P
  4. I had to remove the ban masks on 190, so one of my regulars could join. Which was no big deal. But that could be what the problem is for some not being able to join.
  5. Ok you got me. LOL. What I meant was no key to manually type in like a paid game.
  6. There are no CD keys in enemy-territory
  7. The whole ranked system is a joke. Just another way to make more money, after the game is purchased. Takes away from team play. Any gamer who supports it. Just adds to the next generation of games doing the same thing. Your attacking the wrong party. Look to the game maker. I see you don't describe how he lost his key. I guess we would not want to take responsibility for any lack in security. Flame on!
  8. EvilJohn

    Nvidia contest

  9. I also have no ads on my website. Thank you for keeping it this way.
  10. Very Evil sig. I like it.

  11. +1 Donation. Thank you for your most excellent service. The community would not be the same without the help it receives here. From these fine people who offer their time and resources. Plus have the patience to answer some of the same questions over, and over. Then only to be attacked by others on the net. God bless you all.
  12. I am always protected. I never fire the server up without it. [01.13.2009 16:37:55] VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #71006: ^7et^gG^7*^gD^7o^gGG^7y (slot #1) [17a937094c400fd88261a84f46285a2a(VALID:8)] :P
  13. Good listening if you have the time. Its about INTERNET privacy. http://a4.g.akamai.net/7/4/27043/v00...s/080623cv.mp3
  14. Wake up bro. IP's are not private property. Yeah sure the EU can pass new laws stating IP's are private info. But the INTERNET is world wide. Join any game server. The admin and his crew have your IP. Join any website, use any search engine. You get the picture. Further more, they will never be private. IP logging is like having a security camera on your game server, website, E-Commerce store. You can find out who is there to buy and who is trying to steal. Your kidding yourself if you think you can keep your IP, or IP's private. Its not going to happen.
  15. Aw the days when I was accused of cheating. Man I miss that now.
  16. I am sorry Taz, a very close family member was diagnosed with cancer. I will be MIA for a while. I am sure you can understand that right now I am just not into it. I need some time away from games. Peace, John
  17. Start with the server name. It determines what type of people will join. What you name a server is the 1st thing someone sees when deciding if they want to join. Server names: Google aimbot: We all know who will join this one. Gamers for Jesus: Who do you think will join this one? Tokers and Shooters: Haa who will join. OBJ rules: I want obj mined players. John clan recruiting: People looking to join a clan John box: John is a well known clan with a rep. To build a base in your server you have to seed it. Even if it means sitting in spec with some friends. Start my joining the same time everyday. NO one likes bots! You must have friendly admins. You must have admins plural. To keep the cheaters out. But the admins must be taught to have 100% proof. Baning or kicking based on what some admin thinks. Will empty your server of good players. You hear a lot about cheating in enemy-territory. But I keep and run clean servers. I wish I could take all the credit. But streaming and spending time teaching people how to be good admins helps. I would not use etpro. Its a competition mod. Not a public mod. Most clans that have a few bucks use etpro on the 2nd server. I keep it family orientated. No foul language. No accusing anyone of cheating without proof. So if you pwn me, and my clan. You can still join the server everyday. Sure we are going to check you, and your cvars out. But if your clean you keep coming back. etpub, jaymod, noquarter is for public play. Enemy-territory is a well supported game by mod, and map makers. Although many of us who enjoy the wolfenstien games are waiting for the new game to come out. Hopefully in March 2009. I started in RTCW 1.33 late 2002. I have tried other games and saw the pitfalls with them. Maps can drive people away. You have to decide what kind of players you want. I use competition maps, Std. maps, maps ported from RTCW, then a few customs sprinkled in. But you need to change the map rotation from time to time. I have been gaming with friends I met in my 1st server for 4 to 5 years now. I have seen some come and go too. The idea is treat all with respect and give those in your clan things to do. Teach them about web sites, game servers. They are more than willing to give back, and all have fun cause it frees you up. They usually learn and know more than you do, after you get them started. I once had a quit-a-thon Because two members got in a fight, and members picked sides. It happens. The clan split in two. So I was shit this sucks. I decided to go back to the 1st enemy-territory version 2.55. and call the server *Evil*Beginners. The idea was give back to the community, and teach new players about the game and recruit them. Teach them about scrimming, obj play, voice communications, all facets. My way of escaping from all the B.S going on inside the clan at the time. They are no longer beginners and most are great players. We still call the server Evil Beginners. But now there must be 30 servers called beginners or more. I guess thats a compliment if they borrow your name. The game has slowed, but will never die because its free. The leagues and league play as slowed too. Many are hoping that the new game in 2009 will be solid with good team obj game play. I liken my game (RTCW) to the father of 1st person shooters You need any help let me know. Be glad to help you out bro.
  18. QUOTE l33thx0r You guys are to nice. You left out the part where they were making fun of the article at busted punks.
  19. Love the response. Now thats what I am talking about! Who is that man!

  20. Thank you for your beautiful streaming. Excellent staff. It keeps idiots like him, and his friend out of my servers. Wunderbar! Buy a used game, and then come on these forum boards crying. I hope the guy laughed all the way to the bank. LOL :lol:
  21. Welcome bro! Where at in Alabama? Athens here, just outside of Huntsville.
  22. Thanks for the code bro!
  23. Looks great man. Nice job! Where can I find the code for the 2nd PBBans web site block. I would like to put that on my homepage. Check this out, before I remove it. Peel my right hand forum corner. http://evilrtcw2.com/forums/index.php?
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