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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. Ice Man


    Your guid is globally banned by evenbalance. It usually takes 2-4 days for EB to respond to a trouble ticket. Make sure you including your guid and the game in the trouble ticket to help speed up their process... nothing else we can do here...
  2. done
  3. come into IRC really. you don't need anything but java to view it on the site http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php
  4. all done. Tasty you should be able to add a new server in the AccCP
  5. http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php
  6. how about streaming? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php gives you access to a lot more discussion about how to stop people from crashing your servers.
  7. pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub"
  8. tell them to search your guid here if they are streaming. simple enough.
  9. not really.. hop on irc http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php
  10. the pbsv.cfg file is in your pb folder... you should already have one in there... Open that up and add the lines then upload to your server and either do a full restart or just pb_sv_restart
  11. You need a different variation of your tag for this site. its only for database purposes but we can't have two team accounts with the same tags. -Dan
  12. You would have to ask EA about how you would handle the situation regarding your stats but as far as actually getting banned because of you name it wont happen. Different IPs and different GUIDs. I would frankly ban him from your site if possible and if your clan leader wont ban him then I would leave the clan.
  13. might want to get your server streaming also... http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  14. well... I won lol shows you how bored I am 5 levels
  15. It's called punkbuster... its the software that we use to stream data (cheat violations and other server data) to us. We use that data to ban player. Your clan member had a violation triggered by punkbuster (aka evenbalance). A normal violation by punkbuster might be a 2 minute kick, we on the other hand believe in a perminate ban. Until evenbalance says the ban is not valid (will be lifted) then your clan member will stay on the ban list. That is how we work. -Dan
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-fc3a8dfa-vb111784.html he needs to open up a ticket with evenbalance and appeal his ban. Cheat/Hack Violations: When PunkBuster detects a cheat or hack by repeated positive identification on a player's computer, a violation is raised. These violation numbers are 50000 and higher. Families of cheats are listed below. Resolution: Remove cheats and hacks from the computer. #50000s - Aimbot #60000s - Wallhack #70000s - Multihack #80000s - Gamehack #90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers #100000s - Speedhack #110000s - Autofire #120000s - Game Hook #130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack Punkbuster raised a violation and your player was banned. If he wishes to appeal the ban he can click on the appeal this ban button on that link I gave you. Only evenbalance (the maker of punkbuster) can determine if the ban is a false positive and only evenbalance has information on what hack is triggered by what violation (and they do not give this out) http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  17. well we cant do anything when your not streaming <_<
  18. Wait until the server is approved and ill help you from there. for now view this: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#aao it will not show your server is streaming until its approved. If you still need extra help after it is approved (since I can't troubleshoot until it is approved) visit us on irc and wait about 10 minutes and someone should help you: http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php also siskins is our AA gal ;) -Dan
  19. not bad :D
  20. well set the server up already?! no idea what is going on with this player... you have his 8 digit guid or username? -Dan
  21. server transferred to your account :D
  22. basically the other servers have to add the tag to their configuration for it to work correctly.
  23. later :rolleyes:
  24. Then don't stream to us. If you don't believe in ZERO TOLERANCE then why are you here? If a player has a cheat on their computer and it matches what is in our system then he will need to be removed. Plain and simple. There is no more appeal to look at, the ban is valid and that is all that counts, we don't give a crap why, how you cheated, or who did it. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-077b4ee2-vb106141.html This is what you are supporting obviously, If you just want to just kick for cheats then stop streaming and leave punkbuster on, otherwise we take the opposite approach. You get caught you get banned and if your clan is streaming you get removed (or the TA suspended). A cheater will stay branded as long as we are around. -Dan PBBans|Ice Man
  25. im a cock heavy demon who likes to mega f*ck lizards :D
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