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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. yes you do have to remove the ban from your pbbans.dat file PB has not developed a command to lift a banmask and when the bans started coming through from that ip we issued a ban mask while maydax finished the coding. The only way to remove the ban is to open up the pbbans.dat file and removed the line, then upload to your server and issue a /rcon pb_sv_restart command
  2. everything is fine on our end. Either PB isn't running or the commands were not issued correctly /rcon login passwordhere /rcon pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use /rcon pb_sv_restart Wait for PB to restart (Approx 10-30 seconds) /rcon pb_sv_USessionLimit 8 /rcon pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbanshub pbbanshub /rcon pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver /rcon pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update /rcon pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 /rcon pb_sv_writecfg
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php make sure you read this: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82214 and then make sure your server is streaming: http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  4. Its never on our end, check to make sure you have saved the config files. -Dan
  5. you mean punkbuster servers? if you can change it then yes its allow.
  6. on top of that we do not accept demos from the bf series as you cannot record in first person.
  7. had someone come to me that helps out http://www.uforia.com/ and they asked this: here is a link where you can leave some feedback (or here) http://gohclanet.proboards.com/index.cgi?b...ay&thread=2
  8. and to go back to my post "No reason anyone should type that into the game in the first place" even if he did type it what did you expect it to do? anyways he can't see this post anymore. Ban = restricted user and a special forum.
  9. No reason anyone should type that into the game in the first place but just for fun here is the response when /KEY_F12 = _toggle_hack is typed into console note: unknown command.
  10. You have to download something to make it a banable offense.
  11. I removed you from the TA. go ahead and reapply.
  12. well roglo this is a separate request and I suggest you contact an admin if you have any further input on this topic, as it is your first post here.
  13. I split the topic as we do not need confusion, I hope you do not mind. PBBans does not allow cracked servers to stream to us: and were advertised and shown to be cracked.
  14. Best bet would be to have the clan member register on the forums and we will set them as the account master.
  15. Sorry you do not agree with our policies. I suggest you continue to use PsB if you cannot provide your own website with a forum and roster. and no we require that you have a clan or group to be streaming here. If you used usergroups to give the users permissions on your site (easier then going in and editing one persons permissions at a time) you could put a link to that usergroup on your front page.
  16. is it in the PB folder?
  17. If your server is not streaming it is just a kick, if it is streaming then its a ban. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  18. I would say a large majority of our ban list is because of these programs. I would strongly suggest that you do not try one of these programs unless your willing to forkout money for a new copy of the game and be willing to be expelled from any clan that is streaming here.
  19. its not just 64. I run vista 32 on a laptop with a 8600gtm and all black, same goes for my dads computer with the same configuration (not a laptop and an amd processor instead). Either way there really is no "fix" to black screenshots and server admins shouldn't ban for them.
  20. ANY black screenshot is fine... some server admins choose to ban for them though but they are just banning innocent players.
  21. black shots = clean. Try updating your video card drives and shutting off anti aliasing. Thats all you can do.
  22. Ice Man

    Help !

    It needs to be in a datacenter, not in your house.
  23. next time record a demo with the /record and /stoprecord functions of the game (also make sure its in first person)
  24. doubt it... wanna lose 100 and find out?
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