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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. You know they are getting how many billions of dollars from this but yet they cant keep their fucking website up? seriously?
  2. You need to take up your ban with GGC and GGC doesn't ban for "reinstalls"
  3. http://features.csmonitor.com/innovation/2009/11/17/modern-warfare-2-not-banned-in-russia-according-to-activision/
  4. http://pc.ign.com/articles/104/1044979p1.html
  5. I just read the article... I hate to dispute it but there *IS* a config file that you can mess with outside the game... for those interested. again I haven't tried it outside of single player but here it is http://www.rufclan.c...load/config.cfg edit: hummm wonder if this was left over :P bind ` "toggleconsole"
  6. well I didn't buy the game either but I just completed single player :P took 6 h 9 minutes according to the game itself... The amount of weapons in this game boggles me.. really I don't think i've seen the same weapon more than a few times... spoiler below Personally I liked single player alot.. Maybe down the road Ill buy the actual game but i'm still kinda weary about the multiplayer experience... i think that youtube video going around doesn't reflect everyones gameplay but it definatly highlights a big issue.. Also my biggest issue is that with the current nvidia drivers 191.07 the game does NOT run in SLI. I have a EVGA 295 gtx card overclocked to 704 on the core, 1536 on the shaders and 1207 on the memory with a i7-950 on stock (for now :P) and I'm able to run the game with full settings at 1920X1080 resolution with a few stutters (I didn't play the game with frame rate showing the first time around, might play it again). For those of you who don't know the 295 is basically two 275 GFX cards into one that consumes less power. I'm not particularly interested in running beta drivers and I heard that this fixes SLI in MW2. I'm also assuming that the game WILL have a fix for SLI down the road (most likely via nvidia with a driver update) because both cod4 + cod5 have sli. For now it gets an 7.5/10 on my part. SLI fix 8.5/10 I would have given it a 9 / 10 but there are WAY too many ammo depots in the game... spoiler. Edit: just so you know this is based off of single player... not multi
  7. blah blah blah cod4 was pirated too much... well too bad because I'm acquiring this game though other means now...
  8. Thanks for the B-day wishes Surfy :)

  9. lulz minus rep.. Lets downvote all the staff!!!.... lol
  10. the game costs 60$
  11. WOOT! That's my clan member josh111 asking questions to IW! glad he got this shit out...
  12. current guid. Linked guid NO.
  13. <333 Here I have a song for you ace: http://www.rufclan.com/download/ace.mp3
  14. no... It's me!
  15. Our clan has pretty much decided as of yesterday to move to battle field bad company 2. No bullshitting around with IW... Its too bad because they did have a good thing going.
  16. as long as their false positives whats the problem? bans lifted life goes on :lol:
  17. I loled: Cheat / Hack Free Games: The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don
  18. Well I got IP banned by someone on the iw forum... too bad I learned how to change my ip address :rolleyes:
  19. no cross platform
  20. thanks for the audio. Love the response at 13:21
  21. link? I also see here
  22. think ill wait till microsoft offers me ultimate for 8$ on campus lol
  23. Thanks :lol:
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