Hello all,
some of you old PBBans admins and members may remember that I was a former staff member here... Anyways my clan has since moved on to Black Ops because well... it's the lastest COD game and we are finally having some success with it. Anyways I consider myself a pretty decent player. I do pretty well in certain matches and can sometime manage a pretty high K/D ratio and might even be accused of cheating. Over on the gameservers forum they have started a discussion about a "global ban list" for cheaters... As many of you know (or don't know) PBBans and other communities use the ucon method of streaming to gain access to all of your PB servers logs thus being able to verify data such as PBSS, player connections, kicks, ect... Basically this verifies the data is VALID.
Some other admins think its ok to start a global ban list in order to stop cheaters including adding bans for no given reason, I just wanted to let you all know that I do not and I sure hope people on here do not support this kind of activity. While this may stop some cheaters you are also risking the ability of adding non cheaters onto these lists. I support the rights of admins to ban whomever they wish but I feel as though they are not supporting the rights of other players in the game that they play with by supporting a system with no verification. I just hope to bring some light onto the issue before anyone on here decides to join one of these communities... Thread is located here
Thanks for your time.